gun friendly?


New member
I attended the Green CountryFriends of the NRA banquet tonight. I had a good time,even though I didn't win any raffles. As I was leaving the hotel, I I noticed that they had those pesky NO WEAPONS signs posted on the doors. I didn't see them going in, as I came in the revolving door. I am pissed. The banquet is for a good cause, but how can we spend NRA money at a place that doesn't want you to defend your self.I will be sure that the banquet is held in a gun friendly place before I go again. By the way, the hotel in question is the Double Tree Downtown in Tulsa

P35, I am an NRA life member and have sent countless bucks into the coffers! You can ask anyone here, I'm pretty grumpy, but I think that the NRA does a good job. The big boy's fly first class etc. but what the hell? I don't! I think that we could do a better job but ...
Hank, I think the NRA is our best hope BUT I think we should do our best to do business with gun friendly establishments. surely there is a good place in Tulsa that isn't anti self defense to hold a banquet

Interesting that you point this out. I had the same problem when I stayed there last Oct for the Tulsa gun show. I got in, saw the signs, and told them why I was there. It was late and informed the desk that they needed to find me comparable accomodations, in the area, at a comparable price. They had no problems allowing me to stay with my guns. They realize that it is Oklahoma and many people have firearms, they just do it as a matter of corporate policy.
I've been seening on here a lot of complaints against the NRA for things such as this. I too am upset over it. Although I will continue to support the NRA for several reasons. 1. They are our best hope to preserve our RKBA. 2. The good they do with their education programs, training etc. is invaluable to the next generation of shooters.

What is the solution? We need to work from within to replace the board members with those who more closely agree with our values. To this end I have been working to get the president of our local gun club to run for the board of directors of the NRA. We are currently in the process of getting his nomination approved. Once done, he will have to get 250 signatures to confirm his nomination.

I will expect that all TFL NRA voting members here support me in this effort by sending in your Signatures. I'll post the details when available. I would suggest that others who are dissatisfied with the leadership of the NRA do the same. By the way.. his name is Alan Roberts and is yet to become a member of TFL... Although I have talked him into purchasing a computer and joining and he is in the process of doing that. Thanks


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

I agree with you 100%, both with the gripes and the reasons for continuing support. But I have a problem with working from within.

When voting for NRA Directors comes around, I read about every one, try to make a good decision, but I am voting in a vacuum.

I don't know these folks! And I end up voting for those who write up the best resume! Ugh! Then I feel apprehensive that I probably voted for someone I didn't like!

Next time voting comes around, let's have a discussion of the issues and the candidates here on TFL. That will help us know who we are voting for and against.

Perhaps nralife and other NRA active members will help out. We also could invite Neal Knox. (heh, heh!)
Excellent idea, Dennis. I had the same reservations -- didn't know these guys from Adam, so I did not vote (mea culpa). In the next go round, I wonder if we could put pressure on to have these candidates have a
Q&A on this board, or ANYWHERE . At least have them make a statement above and beyond their resumes, and indicate how they will go about implementing their ideas. Maybe the NRA
could set up a board on their website for this purpose. If enough members got after them, maybe they would do it, but being a bureauracy, I don't know. -- It's worth a try.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
what about using that wonderful NRA live! technology to web broadcast interviews with the NRA candidates?

The best thing to do, IMRO, is to listen to the existing NRA people in office, see who they promote for election, and then vote just the opposite. This the could be described "as voter imposed term limits." (Provided that you disagree with those in office, or if you are disappointed with the NRA's actions during the past year or during the existing cabal's tenure.)
Slow down a little folks! Now, I'm not familier with this particular event, but I have helped this year with the 'Old West Friends of the NRA' dinner in Phoenix. Our dinner committee has a fellow who is apparently some kind of official NRA rep, but his involvement is pretty minimal. He pretty much helps with the liaison with NRA, but otherwise he is not doing the work. Like selecting and managing the location.

Policies change at businesses. And, our little committee is made up of a bunch of volunteers doing this in our spare time. The NRA board really has nothing to do with our event.

So, when our event is held on September 17, 1999 (see ), we could also have made a 'mistake' by finding a similar sign when we get there. If so, we'll fix it next year. Not likely, I hope, but it could happen.

I would respectfully suggest you cut those folks a little slack. I suspect they were pretty chagrined as well when they saw the sign.

Regards from AZ
Thanks for the feedback. I hope that I didn't come across as being down on the NRA. I don't do business with any business that sports those signs. If everyone who supports RKBA and CCW would do the same I think a lot of those signs will come down.

If you remember, in the last NRA board member election, the powers that be said not to vote for 14 candidates, and the sheeple went along. It was stated that they had received no votes. Strange? They were the only ones I voted for. I don't like anybody telling me not to vote for someone. I'm getting too damn old and crotchety for that kind of BS. By the way, you do know that the powers that be are trying to get Neal Knox permanently banned from NRA membership?.
He has been a severe thorn in their sides since the Cincinatti annual meeting.
Makes one think doesn't it?
Paul B.
gentlemen and ladies,have you people read the articles concerning jim houck and the lawyers second amendment society.please go to --legal and political--here on the fireing line forums and read if you have not read it.i support nra, goa, crpa,-i am also going to support these guys because -i believe - {i hope} that they are genuine.i heard jim houck speak once,he wants to advertise and may have,goa and the others are fine but they are only preaching to us.and i already agree with them.we have got to get the word out to the masses.please check it out--------arthur