Gun friendly or no????? You bet your vote counts

fairview mick

New member
Now, ladies and gentlemen, is the time for every one to know exactly where the future politicians stand on gun control, gun banning and bans against hunting, etc. Vote wisely, because this could be a year where all the rights we have now could disappear. Hilliary and Barack have both stated that they would support a world wide ban on gun ownership!!!!!!!!!!!
Need I say more.
Mickey Cook
Here is the rule of thumb I use.

If they have a (d) next to their name there is a high probability they are detrimental to gun owners. :D

Not 100% true in every case but, a good rule of thumb nonetheless.
Ya, I'm certainly not a Rudy fan. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Or in this case a democrat in republican clothing.

He has softened his stance on gun control over the years, but definitely not my choice either.
Guess I must be a freak, becuase I am registered "D" and own guns. Probable 90% of the guys I consider friends are "D"s, and 100% of the guys I consider friends own guns.

democrat in republican clothing
or just a regular career politician?
Just look at the HR 1022 bill (another sorry attempt to ban "scary" assault rifles) and there are about 50 co-sponsors, all democrats.

I do know some democrats who are also gun owners but most of them are UAW members and avid hunters. I like to razz them about how their wonderful "party" is so anti gun and anti hunting especially during the deer season. I have some fun then!

Supporting gun rights is #2 on my list (behind lowering taxes) and democrats fail miserably in supporting our gun rights and the second amendment.
Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul or Fred Thompson

RonPaul or Fred Thompson.

No Huckster

I want to protect my gun rights, but I don't want a big government, tax and spend, pro illegal immigration liberal to do it.

This guy talks a good game, but just examine his past record.

I'd trust Romney before I trusted Huckaphony.