Gun Free


New member
Got this in the E-mail this morning:

"America is besieged by gun violence. In 1996, 34,040 Americans died from
firearm injuries. Hundreds of thousands more were injured. Although
handguns comprise only one-third of firearms in the U.S., they are used in
more than two-thirds of firearms-related homicides.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence's mission is to stop gun violence by
fostering effective community and national action.

5 facts every American must know about gun violence

1. Residents of homes where a gun is present are 5 times more likely to
experience a suicide and 3 times more likely to experience a homicide than
are residents of homes without guns. If you really want to protect yourself
and your family, do not buy a handgun.
2. The Second Amendment is no barrier to tough gun control laws. No gun
control law has ever been overturned on Second Amendment grounds. We could
ban handguns tomorrow and it would pass constitutional muster.
3. The Gun Industry is one of the few unregulated industries in America.
Every other consumer product -- from teddy bears to toasters -- is subject
to stringent safety regulations. Guns are not.
4. Even if you don't own a gun, you pay for gun violence in America. You
pay for increased health care costs, you pay with a loss of security, and you
pay with a loss of freedom.
5. The media tends to cover gun issues solely as a crime problem, but gun
violence is a public health epidemic. Everyone, regardless of age, race, or
ethnicity, suffers from gun violence.

What does America gain from tough, restrictive gun laws?

1. Freedom. Freedom doesn't mean amassing an arsenal of weapons in your
basement and preparing for Armageddon. Freedom is dropping your children off
at school and not worrying about their safety. Freedom is walking in your
neighborhood after dark. Freedom is not having to worry about gunfire.
2. Safety. Approximately 35,000 Americans are killed with firearms every
year and an additional 90,000 are injured with firearms. This violence
threatens all our lives.
3. Protection. The Brady Law has stopped over 250,000 illegal purchases of
firearms. The Crime Bill of 1994 significantly lowered the number of gun
dealers operating in America. Tough gun laws reduce crime and save lives.
4. Healthy Children. Children in the United States are 12 times more likely
to die from a firearm injury than children in other industrialized countries.
Guns kill and young people are dying. We must band together to provide a
safe environment for all of America's youth.
5. Peace of Mind - Behind the staggering statistics, are families and
friends struggling to deal with the pain of losing a loved one. Tough gun
laws will reduce firearm death and injury and restore peace of mind for
families and communities.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is comprised of 46 national organizations
and 120,000 members working to reduce gun violence. We were founded in 1974
and are the oldest gun control organization in the country.
What We Do

Grassroots Organizing - We support a range of organizations and individuals
who are fighting to reduce gun violence. We provide technical advice,
training seminars, and practical skills to ensure that concerned individuals
and organizations are up to speed on the latest developments in firearm
legislation and educational initiatives. We receive calls from people every
day looking for ways to make their communities safe from gun violence. We
answer their call and provide them the help they need.

Education - Our main goal is to save lives and to do that we must educate
Americans about guns and gun violence. We want you to understand the dangers
that firearms pose to the health of the American family. Just as over time
Americans have woken up to the dangers of smoking, now people are realizing
how guns are damaging our country. Incredibly, guns are expected to surpass
car crashes and become the number one injury related killer of Americans in
the year 2003. We have endured years of neglect towards our nation's gun
laws by our politicians, but with your help we are changing attitudes and

Youth Work - We constantly work with young people, listening to how gun
violence affects their lives and helping them find positive alternatives to
violence. Too many young people are forced to spend an inordinate amount of
time avoiding violence when they should just be concerned with learning and
enjoying life. We fight to make sure that guns do not take away their

Legislation - We lobby for tough gun laws to protect Americans. We fought
for and won the Assault Weapons ban. We were there when the NRA tried to
sneak a repeal of the assault weapons ban through Congress and we beat them
on that one, too. We are leading the charge to keep guns out of the hands of
young people. We are there to keep Congress from importing military style
assault weapons. We are fighting for the passage of a ban on the sale of
small, cheap handguns, known as junk guns. We are the voice of the majority
of Americans who want tough restrictions of guns. Join us and let your voice
be heard!

Benefits of becoming a Coalition to Stop Gun Violence member:

Regular mailings keep you up-to-date on what is happening in Congress and in
your State Legislature.

Access to our newsletter for activists. This newsletter gives community
activists advice on organizing strategy, educational programs, and the latest
successes in reducing gun violence.

Action Alerts when Congress is about to vote on specific gun control
legislation. We urge our members to call, write, fax, and e-mail their
elected representatives. If you don't know who your representatives are,
we'll gladly provide their addresses and phone and fax numbers to you.

CSGV maintains a web site ( Our web site contains
information on public health research, local and national events and

Have your voice be heard. Help end gun violence. Join our Coalition today.

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Membership Form

o Annual Membership, $35
o Student Membership, $15
o Please Accept My Contribution of $_______


Address .

City State

Fax (Very Important)
E-Mail (Very Important)

To enable the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence to lobby aggressively on your
behalf, contributions to CSGV are not tax-deductible. Contributions to
CSGV's sister organization, the Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence, are
tax-deductible. The Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence, works to
decrease gun violence through research, education and litigation.

Return to CSGV, 1000 16th St., NW, #603, Washington, DC 20036.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence consists of over 100,000 individual
nationwide as well as the following 46 national organizations:

American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association of Suicidology
American Ethical Union
Americans for Democratic Action
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
American Psychiatric Association
American Public Health Association
Association of Japanese Families of
Gun Violence Victims in the U.S.A.
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
The Bible Holiness Movement, International
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Child Welfare League
Church of the Brethren, Washington Office
Citizens For Safety
The Communitarian Network
The Council of The Great City Schools
The DISARM Education Fund
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Jesuit Conference, Office of Social Ministries
Jewish Community Center Association
Jewish Women International
Loretto Community
Mennonite Central Committee
National Association of School Psychologists
National Association of Social Workers
National Council of Jewish Women, Inc.
National Council of Negro Women, Inc.
National Urban League, Inc.
North American Federation of Temple Youth
Pan American Trauma Association
Presbyterian Church USA, Social Justice
and Peacemaking Ministry Unit
Union of American Hebrew Congregations,
Religious Action Center
Unitarian Universalist Association
UNITE (formerly International Ladies'
Garment Workers Union)
United Church of Christ, Office for Church
and Society
United Federation of Teachers
United Methodist Church, Board of
Church and Society
United States Conference of Mayors
United States Student Association
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Women's League for Conservative Judaism
Woman's National Democratic Club
YWCA of the U.S.A."

What the heck is this crap? Made me want to puke.

Why did you have do go and do that? I just calmed down about an hour ago.
I have to admit that I did learn something from that though. I never knew there was such a thing as 'Suicidology'.

I thought this post was going to be about those people who put up the "gun free home" signs. What if you had one of those signs, had a gun, and left your door ajar to encourage intruders? Would you be a nut?

land of the free and the home of the brave......WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT
I don't know about hunting with a bait like this...but think of the possibilities. Do have a gun-free home -- and a repeating Chinese crossbow! And a rapier and some light armor. What fun!
they cannot or will not acknowledge that the utopia they desire will not happen unless people stand up for their rights. the adage" your rights stop at the end of my nose" has no meaning to them.they don't understand the concept of fighting for something, for to them all violence is wrong.this pattern has repeated itself throughout history , gengis khan said the strong do as they will, and the weak suffer what they must.

don't know what it will take to make them see that enslavement ,regardless of the intent , is still slavery.
If you have a gun, and I don't... You have power over me.

If I have a gun, and you don't... I have power over you.

If we both have guns... we are equals.

If neither of us have guns... we grab for knives... or it becomes all about brute strength. Either way... it digresses into base human nature. Guns allow for civilized exchange, and growth into society.

"But they will never learn, they will be eunics all theyre lives..."

Kodiak, move over! can two heads fit in the same toilet? there you go give'in' me something else to be upset about! This is gonna keep up and momma ain't gonna let me play on this thing anymore. Have you seen the commercial w/ paul newman talking about handguns and how many children are killed or hurt or anything else by them? Damn! it just seems like we're fighting a war w/ an enemy that keeps multiplying instead of shrinking.
These people have no concept of what it takes to remain free! All i can think of are the men & women(some of which i knew personally) who gave their lives so we could live in a free society. from the revolutionary war to the gulf war, and even now in this police action that we're involved in, just so they could have the freedom to have their stupid oranizations, where they can say what they want without reprisal from the government. They don't seem to realize that there was/is a cost to freedom, and part of that cost is keeping the government in check. They want their damn free speech, but don't seem to realize that part of what keeps that right for them is an armed populace to keep the politico's from going crazier than they already do. I swear, i just can't believe that people would want to give up their freedom to "feel safer", even tough that feeling wouldn't last long, between the criminals and government (sometimes hard to tell the difference) running rampant. ok damnit i'm through. i didn't mean to be so long winded..

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited May 27, 1999).]
Walkin man and longhair, I see you suffer from the same malady as me - that of RKBA-related "anti"-induced hypertension.

OK, let's:

1. Boycott the Organizations mentioned; and

2. Snail mail the NRA, asking them to go on the offensive with the same type of mass email campaign (it's actually a good idea, just the wrong side of the issue) - we can't take this kind of crap lying down.

BTW, if you guys want some real powerful ammo to shut up the antis when they start spouting off about the children, read Lott's More Guns Less Crime, and memorize the most important stats there (I'm still working on this), especially the ones that show that having guns in society saves lives - net (and thus societal costs - he puts it into dollar figures); in other words, many more lives of children and adults are saved due to the presence of guns (defensive use) than lives are lost due to gun crime, accidental gun deaths, and suicides combined (particularly impressive is the fact that accidental deaths among children from guns is at an incredible all time low - per capita).

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited May 27, 1999).]
"The meek shall inherit the earth: 6'x6'x3'." Or, "The meek shall inherit the earth, but they won't get the mineral rights." :)
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence seems perfectly willing to throw away the Constitution simply because it thinks it can get away with doing so. Incredible. The members of the Coalition come across as infinitely more obsessed with guns than the most ardent gun nut. If any other issue were at stake than the right to keep and bear arms, the Coalition would be publicly branded for what it truly is: a group of subversive radicals on the lunatic fringe.
John I too noticed that they included several Jewish organizations as supporters. From what I've seen for the most part the Jewish people are NOT in favor of taking our RKBA away. I have seen post on other forums and even received e-mails expressing appreciation for some of my efforts by those identifying themselves as Jewish.
During our recent debate for the right to concealed carry voted on last month (BALLOT FRAUD/LATE RETURNS/BALLOT FRAUD) here in Missouri the antis and news media claimed the police were opposed to the bill. The bill was in fact endorced by all the major officer organizations.
I often think that the antis purposely interject into their propaganda pro gun groups and people as supporters to add confusion to our camp. It also makes them and their views look more widely excepted to those that are undecided. It sorta makes us like the stray dog in the middle of the local pack. Every time we turn to face one another bites us in the ass.

they lie about other things, why not their list of supporters? only way to tell is contact each org. and ask. their only goal is to appear legitimate , so that more people will approve of their agenda. how they accomplish their goals means little.
Interesting how they contradict themselves. In the first paragraph "hundreds of thousands" were injured by guns, later it's 90,000. Sounds like they're targeting people with deficient attention spans, as in "can't string two thoughts together in a logical progression with out getting hurt" (non-thinkers).

The Jewish angle is discouraging, but smacks of a yearning for the appearance of validity. I wonder how many of those Jewish groups are under, and answer to, the same organizational umbrella. Maybe they need a visit to their ethnic homeland to get them in touch with what it has historically meant, and still means, to be Jewish.

I got my JPFO membership packet a few days ago. Take my word for it, these people are pissed.

There is some light in the tunnel, gentlemen: Note that in their e-mail, CBHV admits to 120K members. While it is true that numbers do not necessarily delimit the effectiveness of an organization (the leaven in the flour parable comes to mind, also the one bad apple in the barrel spoiling all the cider) still, how effective can this small number of members be? It's a pretty small base. I think PETA and the Rosicrucians have more members than that. mmmm maybe that's why CBHV feels the necessity of telling all the gratuitous lies they have included in their mailing...

>"The meek shall inherit the earth: 6'x6'x3'." Or, "The meek shall inherit the earth, but they won't get the mineral rights."<

Hmmm, I thought the meek became the minerals? LOL

John - NRA - Lifer

>There is some light in the tunnel, gentlemen: Note that in their e-mail, CBHV admits to 120K members.<

Ever wonder how those so-called memberships figures are arrived at? The NRA counts dues paying members but many organizations count anyone that ever contacted them which includes us pro gun types that are checking to see what they are up to!

John - NRA - Lifer
I wonder how many of these organizations are real........I'll bet its another way to make a buck............Keep em busy, ask where the $35 goes, ask them to send you an annual report, ask for documentation on there statistics..........any bets on if you will get anything......

[This message has been edited by Tallison (edited May 29, 1999).]
yeah, you get a slick looking folder with a flashy looking annual report and a list of all the good things they did last year. buried in the small print , in where most readers won'tfind it, is the financial statement. the income is bold print as is some of the expenditures(whatever is the current"hot topic"), the rest needs a magnifying glass and a law degree to decipher, but usually shows that of "XXmillion" income , about 75% is the director and his staff salary, 15 to 20%, advertising and the remainder(if any) is actually spent on whatever "good cause" they purport to represent.