"Gun Free School Zone" question


New member
Can anyone point me to a copy of the section of this legislation where it exempts CC permit holders as refered to in the Janitor/School post. I have a pro gun goverment/history teacher who is extremely interested in this. Any other information would also be helpful. I think he would like to CC at least in his car while at school.

I want to start at the Fed. and then work through Indiana state law and finally research on school policy pertaining to CC on school property.

I have heard that a school board member was CC and was asked to leave the meeting to secure his weapon. local officers who assist at the home basketball games have no idea. (interesting).
The Federal Gun-free School Zone law was struck down as un-Consititutional. The states then stepped in and did their own thing, so without knowing what state you're in, it's a hard question to answer responsibly. Best advice I can give is go to the NRA site & read your state's laws as they pertain, and they check local ordinances (this is a can of worms) Net/net, gun-free schools = opportunity for criminals & terrosits. Stay safe, M2
The Gun-Free School Zone is alive....

Yes the original 1991 version was struck down by the Supreme Court in 1995 (US vs. Lopez) but was later approved in 1996 as a part of the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriation Act for Fiscal year 1997 section 657. This is Federal, not state or local; states may also pass their own restrictions.

Basically if your CCW license requires the issueing authority to perform a criminal background check before approval and issue, it will fulfill the exception clause in the section 657 federal law. There are some other exceptions as well.

Keep in mind that most states and local authorities have passed additional laws which may be even more restrictive than the Gun-Free School Zone for carrying or possession of firearms on school property.

Best Regards....
"Train as You Live and Live as You train"
I would love to know the answer to my question. My wife is in school to be a teacher and will be student teaching in january. She has a ccw permit and would be curious.

By the way Gunpowder where in Indiana are you from?
On the way into work today I recalled a stroy a few weeks back in Michigan city where I work. There was an article in the paper of a man being in trouble for hunting on school property. The high school in michigan city has about 25-30 acres and he got permission from the superintendent. He was way over 1000 ft from the school and it was on a weekend when the school is out, but some stupid gun grabber made a big deal about it.
Now he was hunting with a rifle, not a pistol and they made a stink. Whether it was legal or not, I he got it trouble because it was on school property. I know I didn't answer your question, I only made it more confusing.

I think the article hoosierboy was refering to stated that the employee who had received permission to hunt (apparently from a supervisor and not from the right person) was in trouble for having a gun on school property apparently violating a school "no tolerance" policy.

I recall no mention of a state statute that they were applying in that case.