Gun Free Pride Campaign

hmmm... makes me wonder why we haven't seen a ribbon on all these anti-gun advocates. Seeing as how the fashion these days is to proudly wear a ribbon to proclaim your political and social beliefs.

Why don't they have a grand national campaign, complete with ribbons, bumper stickers, signs for the yard and house. If these people truly believe that being gun free makes them safer then why dont they put their ribbon where there mouth is.

Or is it that deep inside they know they might as well be putting a bulls eye over their heart. Their ribbon would soon be seen as an target of opportunity.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Great idea! I say we start the campaign. What ribbon color hasn't been used? (yellow would, of course, be appropriate) I'm sure that it just hasn't occurred to the anti's, and we should get the ball rolling for them. Create a web site, do some advertising, send some e-mails... Tremendous idea!!
Yeah, signs for homes and businesses, "THIS PROPERTY IS GUN FREE".
Sorta a self induced Darwinism in action.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I like it! How do we get the ball rolling? And do we gather statistics on the number of crimes commited against folks who proudly wear the ribbon vs the general population? I think we should!
We need to find a control group first. But once we get the experiment going I nominate Aurthor Kellerman and the entire news staff of CNN and ABC to wear the ribbons in our gun free group :)
Oh my heck

AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!! Dammit, George, you just induced flashbacks to my time at Hill AFB!

(twitch, twitch)

As far as Kellerman's Kooks, he'll be here in Colorado Springs on Thursday. Wonder if I can get some yellow ribbons made up before then? ;)

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
Yea, but we can't use the "This Property is Gun Free" here in Texas.

You See it is aginst the law to hunt over bait.

JFK was shot with a rifle bought by mail
so we outlawed sales of rifles by mail
RFK was shot with an cheap imported pistol
so we outlawed the import of cheap pistols

Are'nt you glad that Teddy can SWIM.
Here's an idea for a ribbon of the opposite (ie pro 2nd-Amendment) side of the argument: How about a copper colored ribbon?

Get it?


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
It just occurred to me: the anti's ribbon should be white in color. In analogy of a white flag of surrender; and because white is most visible at night... in dark parking lots and alleys.
Hey, Nestor -
I had a similar thought. Suppose we put a "gun free" sign outside some commercial establishment the just looked too fat & easy (liquor store, jewelry store, etc. run by some slow, old-looking/handicapped person who was actually well armed and able) and then blasted some perps. Sure sounds like baiting, but would the anti's have the cajones to whine about it. Would they scream 'false advertising', lotsa fun questions fall out of this scenario. It has a lot of appeal on some level, but ultimately, would the morons see the point of just how stupid this "gun free" crap really is, i.e. I'd generalize the old 'you can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think' to include the anti's of all sexes.
Hey, guys, ribbons have been done to death, why not something different? Say, like, a circular design with concentric circles of contrasting colors with a solid dot in the center? Say, 3 or 4 inches across. That'd be very distinctive, don'cha think?
Coinneach, what the heck is wrong with HILL!?!?


I know - it grows on you... and as I have become more respectable since letting slip the Kodiac alias - I felt it appropriate to clean up my f'ing language.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
I showed this thread to my wife, and she suggested that an appropriate mascot for the 'Gun-free' movement would be the 'Sitting Duck'. I also agree that the white of surrender would be the apt color for their lapel ribbon...maybe with just a streak of yellow? slabsides

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
The heck with the ribbons. They should use a ball and chain and call it "Proud To Be A Victim Day". They can march down the street carrying their er, "balls".
