Gun defense insurance


New member
How do you fellow forum members feel about gun defense insurance, like uscca and NRA carry guard insurance? I hear that they will not pay up front for your legal expense up front, they will only reimburse you if you win.
My understanding, and IANAL, is that you are correct in the case of the two plans you mention. One (maybe the only) exception is the Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network, which is the program that the firearms attorney whose card travels in my wallet and whose 24-hr number is on my cell phone, recommends.
Keep in mind when comparing plans that there's a big difference between a legal services plan and an insurance policy. Pre-paid or post-paid, lawyer fees are only one expense. No legal services plan (that I've seen) covers damages awards if you lose a civil liability lawsuit pursuant to a self-defense shooting. I believe the NRA Carry Guard plan does -- but I need to read the details a couple of times to confirm that.