Gun Dealer to Pay Gary, Ind., and Stop Selling Handguns


New member
Dec 2, 1999 - 01:23 PM

Gun Dealer to Pay Gary, Ind., and Stop Selling Handguns
By Jr Ross
Associated Press Writer

GARY, Ind. (AP) - A gun dealer agreed Thursday to stop selling handguns and pay this violence-plagued city $10,000 to get itself dropped from Gary's lawsuit accusing the gun industry of putting weapons into criminals' hands.
The settlement is believed to be the first in which a defendant in one of a series of lawsuits brought against the gun industry around the country has agreed to pay money.

Mayor Scott King said Fetla's Trading Co. of Valparaiso will stop selling handguns once its current inventory is depleted.

Fetla's was among 21 gun manufacturers and distributors, five local dealers and three trade associations the city sued in August. The lawsuit accuses the gun industry of selling weapons to criminals and others who aren't entitled to own them.

Three times this decade, Gary has been the nation's murder capital, with more murders per capita than any other U.S. city.

In June, members of an undercover police task force posed as felons and minors and bought weapons at area dealers. Gary used that investigation to join New Orleans, Chicago, Atlanta, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Newark, N.J., among others, in suing the industry.

In a statement, Fetla's said illegal gun use was unforseeable by the industry. But it added: "Fetla's believes in what the city is doing."

Nearly 30 U.S. cities and counties have sued gunmakers, dealers and their trade organizations to try to force changes in the industry, according to the Washington-based Center to Prevent Handgun Violence.

Nancy Hwa, a spokeswoman for the center, said that gun dealers have settled in at least two other lawsuits but that Fetla's was the first to pay money. In the other cases, the defendants agreed to change their practices and open their records, Ms. Hwa said.

AP-ES-12-02-99 1319EST

Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
The word of the day: EXTORTION. Pay me and I'll make sure your kneecaps don't meet with an unfortunate accident.

Way to cave in, Fetla's.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
What I don't like, is the way this article lumps manufactures in with the dealers. The two aren't comparable.

If this guy hadn't given in, how long do you thik it have been before the BATmen jumped in and "found" a ton of different things to hang this guy on? For him it was either "Fork over a bunch of dough and dump the handguns, or go to court on firearms charges and go to jail or at the very least go bankrupt defending myself." Pretty much a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" type thing.
If the guy sold guns to presumed felons and minors or in straw man purchases I hope they lock his ass up on federal gun law violations. It is the dealers like that that have caused the manufacturers, good dealers, and law abiding firearms owners all this trouble.
I know of fetlas very well It's funny the owners two sons are lawyers and on the other hand what else did batf have on this guy? The answer could be........well I wont go there. This place sells everything and it will be sad when they stop selling guns.
Something is missing from this story--it stinks somehow. Notice that they mention the sting to imply that lots of dealers bit on it, but don't directly state that it was successful at ANY shop, much less Fetla's.

If the sting was a success, and they got these dealers to sell guns to felons and minors, why not just lock them in prison? Why a lawsuit? No, someone's pulling a fast one. Watch carefully and try to spot the lie.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Fetla could be entirely innocent and even the Burning Bush could appear (ala Monty Python) and testify on their behalf. Problem is, with our legal system, Fetla could spend $50k just to defend itself and prove its innocence or $10k just to duck out. Of course it's not right that Fetla is compelled towards the latter, but it makes good business sense. It's not the first time something like this has happened.

Tort Reform Now!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt