gun control

who is tired of everything being blamed on handguns.Every little thing that goes on in America is blamed on guns. all the Crimes are blamed on handguns; all murders. People it isnt the handugn doing the killing; it is the people behind the gun. If you take away the person behind the gun what do you have? a heap of metal.If you take guns away from regular people, what do you have? you have criminals able to do what they please with unarmed law abiding citizens. criminals dont care about gun laws. they dont realy care if they have a gun. if you take away their gun they use a knife or something else.
I just wish that people would start thinking with their heads. most people i know dont know anything about guns. most people i know hate guns and are afraid of them. this is stupid.If people would take the time to understand guns then they would see that when handled correctly that there is nothing to be afraid of. I'm only fifteen years old and ive been raised right I've been taught that i have a right to defend myself i dont have to just hope that the person will leave me alone. Ive also been trained in the martial arts )Anthonyr is one of my close friends)i know that i can defend myself if i really need to. but ive also been taught that it is a good idea to own a gun when i have a family of my own. not only that, through life ive learned that guns are fun. avid shooting is extreme fun. hunting is fun.
I just wish that people would realize that a guns isnt anything to be feared. Instead it is something to have great respect for.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me
Phil 4:13
You sir, have your head screwed on straight.
For a fifteen year old, you have a very clear perspective of what freedom and protection of family mean. Way to go son, you will make a good citizen. I only wish certain 'pigheads' double your age would think as sensibly as you do.
Ditto that anand!
I have found that people don't like guns, because they have been told not to. Many, like some of my friends, respond very positively when opened up to the sport of shooting, and the usefulness of guns in our society. Most people my age and older seem to be evenly split, about half are pro gun, the other half anti-gun... but the most disturbing thing to me, is the amount of younger people who are totally opposed to it! It is VERY seriously alarming. We are talking 16 year olds and younger... some of these are NEARLY able to vote! It makes me very sad for what the world might be in a few years...and very scared. And most alarming is their stuborness towards accepting any other way of thinking but their own. They are set to be anti-gun and there is no way around it... no listening to reasoning for them. What shall we do? For now, I just reach out to those that I know, and am meeting. I get them interested and thinking about it, and normally they come around. I just see it as doing my part, to try and open up peoples eyes in my life. I hope we all do the same... God help us!

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
Approximately 85% of the "anti-gun / gun control" argument is based on misinformation, lies, and warped statistics.

It is our responsibility as firearms users to be able to present accurate information to those who don't know.

For example... as far as I am concerned, there is really no such thing as an ACCIDENTAL shooting. Anytime you SERIOUSLY look at ALL the factors involved in an "accidental" shooting, you will see that some principle of weapons safety was violated.

The best way to keep our freedom to have/use guns is proper education and participation...
otherwise... 15 years from now... there will be NO 2nd amendment...

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
Proper Handgun Control: Being able to put the shot on target.

It also means exercising responsible character, and training yourself to know when to shoot and when not to.

Anything else is a violation of your rights.


"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges."
(The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
I read that the media always reports when a kid is killed because he is being irresponsible with a gun, but they rarely report when someone saves a kids life with the use of a firearm. They also never report when a kid is killed in a car accident. Why? Because a kid being killed because he is being irresponsible with a weapon is so rare. Down here in Alabama, almost everyone hunts, shoots, etc., so the media is very careful about what it reports. If they were to say anything negative I would be sure to give them my opinion on the matter...I almost did when they said something negative about amateur radio operators jamming up tv stations. They later found out that it was some redneck with a CB running illegal power output. Sheesh! The time is almost come too figh for our freedom, to gain control of our lives. Be prepared.

"Those that give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
What the media is doing is unethical and irresponsble. Their job is to report the news not invent their own. They seem hell bent on sharing their personal views instead of the facts. They are illogical. For instance why don't they say, "Today a person was killed by a car". The headlines instead read "Today a drunk driver killed three in terrible accidet." Using their system of logic one would be inclined to blame the(car) for vehicular accidents or better yet the (knife) for stabbings. In fact, why hold anyone accountable for their actions. Lets just blame inanimate objects for all the ills of our society. That sounds much better.
Most people don't have opinions of their own.
This is why what the media is doing is so dangerous. They hold, in their power, the ability to shape opinion and behavior. If more people would start thinking for themselves maybe the medias spell would be broken. Wishful thinking I guess.
"I just wish that people would start thinking with their heads." I wish people would start thinking, period. A previous post stated that "most people don't have opinions of their own," which is unfortunate, but so true.

Most people have a hodgepodge of unexamined beliefs rattling around in their heads that they spout on cue. Thinking's hard work, which is why so few people engage in it. But, if you look back through history, that's always been the case. The few clear-thinking individuals are the ones who move mankind.

Read the book in my profile signature, and other books by Ayn Rand, if you want intellectual ammo for today's problems.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.