gun control turns schools into defenseless zones


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"Gun control" turns schools into
"defenseless zones"

[This is an op-ed article by Atty. Ralph D. Sherman, Gunsafe chairman. It
was published 4/30/99 in the Hartford Courant.]

The 18-year-old murderers in Littleton, Colo., were neither stupid nor
hasty. They planned and prepared for their massacre with care. And they
knew their targets would be utterly helpless - thanks to “gun control” laws.

Colorado laws make it a crime to bring a firearm onto school grounds.
The same is true in Connecticut, even for a law-abiding adult who has
passed a background check, taken a safety course, and obtained a gun
permit from the police.

So any monster who chooses to ignore the laws and commit murder at
random knows he will find no opposition on school grounds, until police

The “gun control” crowd likes to refer to schools as “safe zones.” In
reality, they’re “defenseless zones.” The “gun control” crowd has made
sure no responsible adult civilian could defend the innocents at Columbine
High School in Littleton.

Would the result have been different in Colorado if a teacher or school
administrator had access to a gun? That was the case in October 1997 in
Pearl, Miss. There, an alienated 16-year-old used a rifle to murder two
students and wound seven others. Before he could inflict further harm,
however, he was stopped - by the assistant principal, armed with his own
small handgun. No shots were fired by the assistant principal; the murderer
surrendered when confronted by the armed adult.

In April 1998 in Edinboro, Pa., a 14-year-old brought a gun to a school
dance. After revealing the gun and murdering a teacher, the student was
stopped by the owner of the restaurant where the dance was held. The
restaurant owner, armed with his own shotgun, fired no shots to stop the

Minors and convicted felons have no business possessing or carrying
firearms. That’s been federal law for decades. In reality, however, no law
will stop those who are intent on committing public mass murders for the
purpose of gaining attention. The threat of punishment does not deter
monsters who plan to use suicide to end their 15 minutes of fame.

Yet Connecticut law prohibits good people - parents, teachers, school
administrators - from carrying a handgun on school grounds, even with a
gun permit, even with the gun so discreetly concealed that no one knows
it’s there.

Counseling for troubled students is an excellent idea. So is parenting
instead of letting TV raise your children. But these are long-term solutions
that do nothing to enable innocent people to defend themselves in a
life-or-death emergency. If another wicked child somewhere is now
planning the next school massacre, the long-term solutions may not stop

John Lott, a professor at the University of Chicago School of Law, has
shown in his recent book (More Guns, Less Crime) that criminals are
deterred by the general presence of firearms that are carried concealed by
lawful permit-holders. In a paper published on the Web just this month, he
shows that even those who might commit public mass murders are
deterred, because they recognize that they might be stopped before they can
accomplish their terrible mission.

Nationwide, civilians use firearms lawfully for self defense 2.5 million
times per year, according to studies by Gary Kleck, a criminologist who
first investigated the subject because he favored banning guns. Eighty
percent of these “defensive gun uses” involve handguns.

In Connecticut, about 140,000 adults possess handgun permits. Many
permit-holders discreetly carry a handgun every work day, to protect
themselves when they carry their restaurant receipts to the bank, or when
they have to install utility wiring in a bad neighborhood. At their place of
business, they think of the gun as another safety device, like a fire
extinguisher. They don’t expect to face a fire, but they have taken steps to
protect themselves.

If Connecticut schools had no fire extinguishers, parents would think
twice before sending children to school. Can you imagine a law that
actually banned fire extinguishers on school grounds?

It would make no more sense than our current prohibition against
law-abiding adults with gun permits carrying a practical self-defense tool
on school grounds. The time to repeal that prohibition is now.

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[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 07, 1999).]
Maybe it's just me and old memory, but can anyone recall ANY mass school shootings perpetrated by students before 1994? I can't. It seems that all these mass shootings have only taken place AFTER the passage of the Gun Free School Act. If you think about it, it follows the same lines as Washington D.C., Chicago, Baltimore, and others. Where the possession of firearms is specifically prohibited, more senseless tragedies occur.
They mean SAFE FOR THE EVIL DOERS when they say SAFE ZONE...

freakin mindless sheep

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Four observations from the article:
1: Criminals don't obey the law (duh)
2. It takes a gun to stop a gun (duh)
3. Criminals are cowards (they roll over quickly when confronted with potential violence against themselves)
4. Gun control laws hinder the lawful from protecting themselves
Why do we tolerate such stupidity? (are we part of the flock?)
MissleCop is absolutely right. One of the main reasons these trends are occuring is because the laws that affect law abiding citizens are clearing the way for the thugs.

But, now let's take this one step further...
Why has the US never been invaded? Because of military might? No. The US didn't really emerge as a world power until WWII. And our nation is far too large to be protected by the military (especially the current, scaled down, version).

It's because since the late 1700s, the rest of the world has known that a ground assault on American soil will be met with resistance by the people. Armies are beatable. But once that's done, it takes occupation to truly defeat a country. And up til now, this is a country that absolutely cannot be occupied by a foreign nation.

Now, thanks to NWO type concepts, America is becoming defenseless. Not defenseless against the thugs walking the streets, but against world powers. When America is disarmed, what's to stop a country like China from marching across our land? The military? HA! It's spread too thin to even meet a pacific coast invasion, let alone if we're hit from all sides. The point being that these disarming laws have the potential to affect us far greater than just what goes on in your town.

Well, back to the original thought. We as a nation appear to becoming more afraid of our neighbor than the real evil doers out there. Why? Individualism for one. We are being taught that your individuality is far more important than the community at whole. As a result we start distancing ourselves from the community. And a community you don't know is a community you don't trust, so disarm them.

You know, it's not the movies and video games that directly cause a lot of these problems. It's not so much the content as it is the amount of time kids spend absorbed in these alternate realities. I play these violent online games too, but only for a little while. I don't have a family yet, but I am married. It would be so easy to fix dinner and just sit down at the TV or in front of the computer to eat. But we don't. We sit at the table, facing each other and talk about the day. It's such a minor thing to the rest of the world, but for us, it's what keeps us connected to each other and to reality.

The trend is obvious. We pass feel-good laws that hurt the innocent. And when we do catch a bad guy, punishment is so minimal that the word deterrent never enters the equation. I don't know what to say. It sucks and it ain't getting any better. Thankfully, sources such as TFL and are making me politically aware. It's time to excercise my vote like never before.

Okay, not that I've "Topic Hopped" about three times, I'll shut up now.

Many school personnel are antigun.
Also, their lawyers have decided they
are at more financial risk if
an employee carries a gun and goes wacko
or accidentally shoots someone in the
course of defensive action than if
they have to defend against a suit
brought by someone who was killed on their
premises by an external loon. My, that's
a long sentence.

I've heard this rationale many times -
at work.
Dear Mr. Meyer: You raise a valid point;
however, the lawyers are dead wrong; and thensome....litterally!
Here is the proper response to their
liberal anti gun nonsense.

Ask them how many innocent, unarmed victims ,
both employees & customers,
must die needlessly when these deaths could easily be prevented by allowing the law abiding victims to be armed for their own &
their customer's defense.

If it saves the live of just one
employee or just one customer, is not that live worth the extra cost.It is ashame that
innocents must die so that you can save a little money. This is most heartless and unfeeling of you.

Those employees who are forced to work disarmed; when confronted with violence at the workplace, should sue the company for
unlawfully terminating their right to self defense when illegally attacked and also for pain ,suffering ,medical bills and loss of income. Prehaps the lawyers could understand this better and see the error of their liberal socialist ways.