Gun Control Survey

And they are not posting results anymore...bastards. Someday I wonder which cartidges and firearms were designed by people trying to get the anger at gestapo out....
Last time I checked, 38.1% said "No more restrictions, dammit!", 38.1% said "Control areas in which guns are sold," (yeah, like that'll work), and the rest wanted to add more safety devices.
If this works go to:

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

Tried to put in the address as a link.

Only one vote per computer. (I tried)

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited March 01, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited March 01, 1999).]
The only way I could get there was - then punch the world news button in the left bar. You get the results when you vote.

Needless to say the results were not mentioned on World News Tonight/Monday - I guess the vote was not anti-gun enough.
I went the way Mikey did and found it. here's the latest.
38.3% none- enough w/ the restrictions
37.9% tighter controls
12.3% longer waiting periods
11.4% more safety features
24,830 votes 6:30 Central time
vote, vote, vote!!!!!!

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited March 01, 1999).]
Typical horse manure survey:

1. Three options out of four would increase restrictions.
2. The pro-self defense response is the last response listed.
3. The question doesn't ask what we should do, but rather assumes a restriction by saying '... the most important restriction is:'.

I just love supposedly 'fair' surveys which clearly tilt the results. As so many have said, you can get the results you want if you control the survey.

In this case, even with a biased survey, about 38% still say they don't want any more restrictions. Unfortunately, we'll get to read that 62% do want more restrictions. Horse manure.
I voted.

Go to - then click on the "ABC NEWS" (not "world news") choice on the left column. The survey will be on the next page.
I voted - new stats:

39.0% none- enough w/ the restrictions
37.4% tighter controls
12.1% longer waiting periods
11.2% more safety features
27083 votes at 7:15 Central time

Freedom is not Free
Put in my vote. Current stats:
39.1% None/enough restrictions
37.4% tighter controls on sales
12.1% longer waiting periods
11.2% more saftey features

Looks like we're winning, I wonder if anyone will ever know?
@ 11:15
39.3 None
37.2 Tighter
12.1 Longer
11.2 Safer..
Short time for a favorable change.
Many thanks for the tip-off!
Finally found it and voted.

If anyone is interested you can e-mail them your thoughts on their fair and equitable survey. From the same page where you voted go to "Services" the select the email area you want.