Gun Control Survey on

I voted and then made the mistake of reading some of the accompanying posts. The mind boggles.

I notice there is no running total. I doubt seriously the results will be honestly reported.

[This message has been edited by AndABeer (edited July 14, 2000).]
That last question is bullsh!t. Background checks are already required at gun shows, if the deal is between an FFL and a private individual.

Satanta, you're supposed to keep that to yourself. ;)

I could stay there all day shooting down some of those morons ideas of how to "SAVE THE CHILDREN"
The following is what I posted on the I site...
That is the thinking of sheep,a follower not a thinker.If it were not for gun's this country would not be here.Hitler started gun control in his country and look what happen,during WW2 America sent to England gun's because thay had gun control and was caught with out.If more parent's would take the time with there kid's to teach about gun safty then there would not be so much shooting's of kid's.
If you do not want a gun that is your choice.My choice is if I am awaked at 3am. by glass breaking I will have a gun..Also I think you need to reread your history book's as who helped keep this country free in the growing pain's not the police not the goverment but the farmer's and the hunter and the shop keeper's..more people are killed by drunk drivers and family's are torn apart by the father or mother or children drinking so to this I say BAN and OUTLAW the BAR'S BEER and WINE...
Actually, Hitler didn't *start* GC in Germany. The Weimar Republic put registration in place, which made the SA's job much easier, since they knew who had the guns and where they were.
The results were weird. It seems that there are a few gun owners are both for background checks at gunshows and think that owning guns does not help stop crime. The one high point was the anti-gun law suit. Read the results below. The numbers just don't add up right to my thinking.

Survey for July 14, 2000
Gun Control

Do you keep a gun or firearm in your home?
6% No answer
40% Yes
53% No

In your opinion, does private gun ownership help deter crime?
3% No answer
33% Yes
39% No
7% It leads to more crimes
15% I'm not sure

Do you think gun manufacturers should be subject to lawsuits for crimes committed with weapons they have manufactured?
8% No answer
12% Yes
79% No

Would you be for or against a law requiring criminal background checks at gun shows?
2% No answer
87% I’d be for such a law
4% I’d be against such a law
5% I’m not sure