Gun Control Sit In

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New member
Apparently the Democrats are holding a gun control sit in on the House Floor right now. Apparently it is part of a week long plan of disruptions they hope will force a vote. The ironic thing is they know they will lose the vote, but hope the politics of it might allow them to win a few seats in the fall. So, really this is less about gun violence and more about gaining power.
This is absolutely about power. They can give the illusion of representing the will of "the people" while furthering their political and personal agendas. I really am growing weary of the hypocrisy. These folks make it tough to play nice.
Nothing to see here except more political grandstanding. What's more, they showed their real colors when they refused even to consider a Republican counter-proposal that would at least have provided a mechanism for due process to be observed.
They are, according to news reports, lamenting the thousands killed by guns in the US. Wonder if they have any concerns for Chicago with it's overwhelming strict gun laws that accomplish nothing. It's an election year and grandstanding is now extremely popular.

We can expect lots of this kind of action when it comes to gun control. Noise is apparently more important than actual accomplishments.
Studies show prolonged sitting is bad for your health.

Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll all have to retire for health-related reasons
Considering the nature of the crime in Orlando they should be lamenting the deaths of tens of thousands killed by Islamic terrorists.
Ironic the Dems are holding a sit-in to gut the Fifth Amendment at the same time Hillary Clinton's IT guy is ripping off "Fifth Amendment" like a ghost gun with the thing that goes up.

Even more ironic, John Lewis is leading the way to support a law that might have disarmed the Rev. Martin Luther King back in the day.
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