Gun Control Poll Scam?


New member
I realize that the subject is a bit redundant, but I received a fax at the office this morning that states:

National Gun Control Poll

We are conducting a nationwide poll on gun control.
We are faxing out over 3 million voting forms throughout the country.


Your votes will be presented to the President, the Attorney General, Congress, HCI, the NRA, and the govenors of all 50 states of the Union.


I deleted a few things. They want you to fax the form back and check yes or no under the poll question. Its a 900 number that charges $2.95 per minute for your return fax. They also have a Web site at where you can't vote via the net that I saw. The fax says that the poll was commissioned by 21st century fax Ltd. in NY, NY.

A few observations:

1. The polling question make me VERY angry. Its reminescint of "have you stopped beating your wife."

2. The entire thing might be one big 900 scam.

3. The scariest option IMHO, if this isn't a scam, and they are sending this to 3 million people, the VAST majority of them will respond, "why yes, I would like to see more effective gun control laws," and the antis will gain more steam.

Help me Mr. Wizard!
I got an e-mail this morning from Bob Pruden at about this, I'd post it but I cleaned out the mailbox before lunch. I'm sure my employers would s*** if they saw what I'm e-mailing about....but anyway, this is just a scam to make some dinero!! The company has nothing to do with pro- or anti-gunners, they're just wanting you to fax that bad boy in!!

I'll see if I can't get them to send me another copy, and I'll post it!
Them boys sending the poll are in big trouble in some areas, since it is a crime to send such stuff (SPAM I guess) to businesses. It is a scam to get you to call the number, spend lotsa time on the line and SPEND lotsa money. May there be a hacker that hates that sort of stuff and does some real nasty hacking.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I also heard about this so called "pol" on Ken Hamblin radio talk show. They traced this poll back to guess where: United Kingdom, aka "Great" Britain.
