Gun Control,& Kevin Costner's Movie"The Postman"


New member
I wonder if any here remember seeing the movie "THE POSTMAN" by the same guy ,Kevin Costner, that did Waterworld. If you didnt see the movie, It takes place in Oregon in the wake of World War 3 , during
which most of the USA gets wiped out by a
plague, boilogical warfare. Instead of the survivers being able to peaceablly rebuild,
they are sadistacally killed my this former copy machine salesman who had put together
this band of around 100 jackbooted thugs (no batf jokes ,please)who lorded it over all the little struggling, farming villages with a fudal lord
system,brutely killing any nay sayer.

Kevin Costner organizes a postal system delevering letters between the oppressed
villages, giving them a slim glimpse of hope.


When the govt got wiped out in the plague,
no one but the bad guys had guns and all the good guys became slaves of less than 100

This movie illistrates ,quite graphically, the dangers of giving up your
guns , and with your guns, the ability to defend your life & family from criminal assault.

When the govt got wiped out , people were left, unarmed, to defend themselves
much the same way most people are left unarmed, to defend themselves now, when they are unable to call police or the police can not arrive soon enough to prevent innocent deaths; which is 99% of the time ,or close to it.

Gun control takes from us the very tool
best suited and which we need most to protect our lives and our country when the government breaks down or even when prompt police response breaks down,as it frequently has.

The la riots in 1990 come to mind.
The police took one look and took the day off
leaving unarmed citizens to defend themselves.

Gun Control is a clear and present danger.DO NOT ABIDE IT!

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
Yeah but you forgot 1 thing..


over acted, under written , under edited. Tom Petty plays "himself" but Costner doesn't??

Gee if the citizens of post ww3 montana had this problem you think they'd turn to Cos as thier man on a horse???

I doubt it.

Mailmen as heros?? Armed hero's with m-14's anyway??

Anyone else get the heavily armed post office jokes IGNORED by the film??

As in aha.. our savior worked at the post office.. figured those bastards would have killed each other off by now. ;)

(no REAL insult meant to the post office.. but really NOBODY made a joke about this???)


Scary snapshot of the future if people do not work at stopping the tide of laws forced upon today...........

Best regards,

Join the GOA, NRA and C.A.N.
One also needs to remember that David Brin, author of the book on which the film is based, is an avowed anti-gun advocate who has stated his views in interviews with various science-fiction related publications. Here's a link to an acticle on mass shootings by Brin.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Now add another ingredient -- the progressive diffusion of destructive technologies into private hands -- and you get a recipe for profound unpleasantness in the years ahead.[/quote]
dr. Rob , if you thought that movie s~cked,
please never invte me to the movies with you,
you have wierd taste!

Anyway---You missed my main point,
that disarmed people can be terrorized by
any rabble with a firearm.

When guns are outlawed,outlaws will prey
upon the good guys and Ill buy an outlawed gun from an outlaw so that I cant be preyed on.

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
This movie does suck, but for some reason, I usually find myself watching it whenever its on.
The fact that a feudal society would arise under the circumstances envisioned in this future world really isn't surprising.
Feudalism is just another name for what we commonly call the protection racket.
The strong (armed) will protect the weak (unarmed) for a price, even if the strong are the only threat present. In exchange for allowing them to live in "peace", a tribute is expected. Miss a payment, and you get your head handed to you, compliments of your benevolent protector.
With minor variations, this system has ruled the world from the very beginning. Much of what is considered modern "royalty" is simply the decendants of medieval thugs.
Throughout most of history, arms have been available only to a select few, which allowed something like feudalism to flourish. If the king and his cronies were the only ones who had swords and spears then there really wasn't much you could do but obey.
With the advent of firearms and the development of mass production, affordable and effective weaponry became available to the masses. It's no coincidence that the fall of many monarchies occurred after the juncture of these two developments.
It's also no coincidence that the self styled elite (royal wannabes) of this world aren't very happy with their ex-serfs being so uppity. Convincing the great unwashed masses that they would be happier and safer if they allowed themselves to be disarmed is a necessary first step if we are ever to return to those glorious days of Camelot.
"Yes m'lord,... whatever you say m'lord,... right away m'lord"
Nah, count me out!
Actually, in the movie, the Federal Government was not wiped out by the plague.

The clan "General" in the movie refers to a battle he was personally present (presumably as a lower ranking officer or soldier then) called "the Battle of Georgetown" after which the White House burned.

Apparently there was a civil war between the Feds (weakened by war and plagues) and the militia army of the "Wholeness" and the Feds lost. The Wholeness movement was supposedly started by a Midwestern or Western farmer and was very rascist and neo-fascist ("pure white race being strong again" mumbo jumbo).

Anyhoo, I noticed that the Wholeness adopted the M1911A1 and M16 as the official arms. I was surprised that the M9 didn't survive in large enough numbers. Hmmm.

I liked the shotguns and the M1 Garands that the Postal Army had though...

While the fake Postal employee as a hero is somewhat a ridiculous concept, I find that it is better than "the lawyer as the hero" bit that is so prevalent in media nowadays. No other country makes such heroes of the legal profession as the popular media do in this country despite the fact that the profession is more despised in the US than in almost any other country in the world. Also popular as heroes in the media in the US are doctors and police officers.

Sorry, I digress.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
Republic, I read that article. There was nothing in there about anti-gun. He talked about not giving mass murders the recognition they crave to make them infamous. But back to the subject, POSTMAN, not a good movie, but I also will watch it from time to time.To me it is the story of a man willing to go along with the status quo and not rock the boat. Until, he discovers there are some things worth standing up for. The guns empower the common man to oppose a tyrannical power. If this was written by an antigun writer, the he didn't do a very good job!
First off, the cult is the "Holnists" not the "Wholeness." Second, I don't really find the concept of the fake postman-as-hero that far fetched...people have made heroes and leaders out of far less through history.
Third, it wasn't that bad a movie...wasn't great, but I found it stirring. Particularly the line by Costner, when the bad guy says "You don't believe in anything" and Costner says "I believe in the United States of America."
I guess I'm weird. I kind of liked it. It's like the only Kevin "Can't Act" Kostner movie that I like. (ever notice how he plays the same character in every movie he has ever done).
You didn't catch the line by Tom Petty, "we don't allow guns in here. Relinquish them before you enter."? This was when Costner was about to enter the people's paradise.
In my own defense I do like red dawn.. ther ya feel better now??

The film's politics aside...

I worked as a projectionist for 5 years and i'm VERY critical of movies that are too long, poorly edited, badly scripted, and poorly acted. Costner's speech wasn't Henry Fonda in the Grapes of Wrath.. it wasn't George C Scott in patton, hell it wasn't even Mel Gibson in Braveheart, it wasn't even Roddy McDowell in Battle for the Planet of the Apes. Costner as a man of conviction?? I wasn't convinced.

The fact of the matter is that Moorlocks eat the Eloi... don't think paradise comes without a price. And if that author was anti gun I'm rather suprised.

Maybe ifsomeone OTHER than Costner had directed the flick i would have liked it. maybe if an actor with more than 2 expressions starred in it iI could get behind it.

i gave it a thumbs down for those reasons.
