Gun "control" issues have died down of late in the "mainstream" media

It's too quiet! I'd say we'd better hunker down for the next wave. Pass me that bazooka!No more Mr. Nice guy! After reading the RKBA thread today on the verbage used in Australia, I will no longer use the term "law abiding gunowner", They are anti rights racists, criminals and traitors! Live long and prosper!
Futo Inu, BE QUIET. THey might hear you LOL. seriously. I can't say I am complaining. But I see it heating up again. We can't be this lucky.
I stand by my post on a previous thread: I would have to guess that the next big "tragedy" shooting will happen on or about 11 days before election day. I hope to God,. Allah, Vishnu, Krishna, Yaweh, and whoever else may bey in charge and/or listening that I am wrong!
nralife, goa, jpfo, fcsa, smvfm
Probably because they're waiting to see what the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals says in Emerson. Afraid that if they report too many gun-related stories, some inexperienced (read: not-yet-brainwashed) reporter will accidentally report that the judges weren't overly fond of the government's position....

Well, I can dream, anyway.


Das Internet is nicht fuer gefingerclicken und giffengrabben. Ist easy droppenpacket der routers und overloaden der backbone mit der spammen und der me-tooen. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen. Das mausklicken sichtseeren keepen das bandwit-spewin hans in das pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das cursorblinken.
Probably because it is not selling right now. I guess having police cars getting burned in L.A. is more interesting.