Gun control in England...


New member
I'm not sure when this took place but it's an interesting video on a protest in England concerning their draconian gun control laws. It seems that the Brits are waking up (perhaps too late) and speaking out. I don't imagine that this will get much, if any, play in our MSM as it does not support the ill founded beliefs that an unarmed civilian population is a safer population. Much more the opposite in that since the Goverment can't control the criminals, they control the law abiding who are the only ones that obey the laws. The criminals continue unhindered while the politicians hide their heads in the sand.
IIRC, England made self defense illegal a few years ago. So even if you had a gun, you couldn't use it. In 2004, a homeowner used a airsoft gun to hold two robbers in his home until police could arrive. He was arrested for "putting someone in fear with a toy gun."
man, i used to post on this other forum with these irish guys who were so proud of their gun laws. one time we got kind of into it, and i mentioned that even knives and swords could be as deadly. he disagreed. someone else did me the favor of finding and posting a link about some dude over there getting his hand lopped off with a sword outside the pub from the same day. goes to show you....
G'day. Gun control laws are what politicians use to avoid the more dificult social issues. Aparently they think if they restrict or bun guns, then that will stop some people from behaving badly.

England is screwed, high taxes, high fuel price, people have to pay 400k to live in a condo the size of a dog kennel and not so much as a 22 to defend themselves. Hate to say it but they did it to themselves.