Gun control in Australia

They have and they do!:D

I have a friend down yonder! They can just about have fire arms if the play the hoops game. I have a friend that had to kill a Farrel pig with a screw driver to the eye. That sound like a bit of fun!:rolleyes:
Here's their perspective:

Hopes for an independent thinking Australian gun lobby were badly affected when in the early 1990's the largest gun group, the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) developed a tight political relationship with one the world's most extremist gun organisations, the National Rifle Association of America (NRA). Unfortunately this relationship and the SSAA's long association with the gun trade has meant that gun politics in Australia is often driven by the gun rights debate instead of recreational issues or public safety.

Do they know what evil they promote?
Oh this is nice....

Shooters License

A rigorous training and testing program over a six month period - requiring a three part 1-1/2 hour written test set by police, shooters and community groups. License valid for three years only at cost of at least $100, which will cover third party insurance & research development.

Special Hunting Licence

Only declared vermin may be hunted; provided an appropriate hunting course has been taken. Such a course to be conducted by the Gun Control Authority and selected hunters of long experience and high repute. Such a course will require at least three one day trips in the field under supervision. A written examination which will cover hunting ethics, ethnology and hunting malpractice's must be passed.


After passing the shooters license, an applicant must gain support from two guarantors who are of known repute and not involved in shooting activities. Guarantors must re-support if license is extended.

Permit to Purchase

Application to own a gun must give good justification. Self defense not acceptable. Hunting acceptable only with yearly written approval of accredited primary producer or Head Ranger of State parklands. No person shall own more than four long guns.

Semi-Auto Centrefire Rifles, Shotguns & Pump Action Shotguns

To be no longer imported and to be bought back by government over next five years.


All guns to be registered to a specific person and responsibility for any misuse to be on that person. All guns transfers to have Regulatory Authority approval.


All guns and ammunition to be stored separately in 5mm thick steel storage safes securely bolted to a wall or floor of house. All guns must be stored and transported with the gun lock operative. Within 10 years all guns to be removed from urban homes and held at 48 hours notice in selected police stations which are adapted for gun storage purposes. No guns to be kept in gun clubs. Bonafide primary producers outside of urban areas to maintain conditions set in 8.1


No shooting license to be issued below 18 years of age. No gun usage permissible under 17 years of age.


Handguns of any nature can only be obtained for shooting at approved handgun ranges. Except for special permission granted by the Gun Regulatory Authority, a person will own a maximum of four handguns. A special handgun license will be required for handgun ownership and will not be granted until the gun control authority has ensured that the applicant has justified reason, is of excellent repute and has passed a strict regime of training and testing over a period of not less than six months. The gun control authority will have full responsibility for maintaining standards and records of handgun ownership.

Security Industry

The Gun Regulatory Authority will be responsible for developing a new set of credentialisation, training and testing procedures for all security guards. These will be cohesive and strict. All existing security services will be revoked and applicants will have to reapply to meet the new set of demands.


A collectors license will require that

Only antique guns are collected (defined as manufactured prior to 1920).
The guns are disabled.
Yearly inspection and strong demands on storage facilities.
Members, on leaving bona fide collectors' groups, must give guns to the Gun Control Authority for sale.

Orders Against Gun Owner

If a Domestic Violence Order is taken out against a gun owner, The police must confiscate all guns immediately.

Truly sickening disarmament's terribly anti-gun-freedom, but it's equally anti-hunting!

has meant that gun politics in Australia is often driven by the gun rights debate instead of recreational issues or public safety.

Gee, imagine that - the gun owners don't want to change the subject from the real issue, gun rights for self-defense and other lawful purposes, and concede to letting this nut job group falsely shift the debate to something beside the point, like "recreational issues".

Those wackies Aussies - not quite as stupid as the Brits (the majority favoring gun bans, that is), but you can see the family resemblance there.

This ought to be moved to L&P, I'd reckon.
I just scanned some of those requirements...but it breaks

down to one thing.... only the well off (rich) will be able to aford to have a gun. All these 'socialist' groups really miss on that point. what ever their base motives... the final outcome is always that the poor masses lose their right to protect themselves.

that is the outcome of any gun 'control' legislation. The poor and less fortunate, read that as any race or ethinic group you choose, have less means to protect themselves, their families and community.
If we dont watch it, Our country could end up that way If some people get their wishes. Wow these people are nuts! Oh I Emailed the "pres" of that gun control society thing there in Australia. I doubt he liked it.
As a Lawyer representing shooters in Australia I find the biggest problem is people who unintentionally contravene the law;

ie after shooting, client put 2 mags in the glove box of the car for the ride home (locked in glove box), the shooter gets home, unlocks the rifle from the case, cleans it, puts it away in a safe then retrieves the ammo- w/o thinking only retrieves one mag and puts that in his locked ammo box and leaves the glove box unlocked. The other mag was not noticed because it was dark and the magazine was coloured black and the light in the glove box did not work.

A couple of weeks later Police search the vehicle and find a rifle magazine with four rounds of .22LR ammo in it in an unlocked glove box.

I have seen a guy fined and loose his licence over this.
welcome to my nightmare

This is the sad state of affairs here. You have to beg big brother to be allowed to own any of the few remaining legal firearms. As previously mentioned the government does not trust me to have a simple handgun for self defense although if I'm required to fight FOR the government I can have rocket launchers, machine guns etc and I am suddenly the most trustworthy person on the planet ( the reason i have never and would never serve in aussie forces ). What most people don't realize is that an ex prime minister ( paul keating ) signed a UN agreement regarding civilian small arms ownership in australia and while I don't know the exact terms of the document I don't think it bodes well for the future. As to the ssaa they are a bunch of cowardly whiners.
Hmmmm......your comment on our largest shooting organisation in the country leaves a bad taste. Try to understand that every move they make must be carried out in a professional manner to reflect the organisation in a good way and not just rush in with poorly thought out comments or plans.

As to the ownership and use of rifles and guns in Australia, I shoot every week at my local clay target club and hunt feral pig/fox/cat and rabbit for a couple of weeks every year.

Only thing that concerns me at the moment is that our local gun shops seem to be disappearing and leaving only a few superstores in each major city.

Hope you and your families have a great Christmas and Happy New Year


Hmmmm......your comment on our largest shooting organisation in the country leaves a bad taste. Try to understand that every move they make must be carried out in a professional manner to reflect the organisation in a good way and not just rush in with poorly thought out comments or plans.
Mate , what I mean is that this " professional manner " you mentioned simply means that they have to tread on egg shells all the time lest the government gets annoyed and says we can't be bothered with you anymore we are outlawing ALL civilian gun ownership. This egg shells mentality reduces the ssaa to utter irrelevance. I implore all my american friends never take your amazing bill of rights for granted.
Not quite accurate

Hi from Australia.
Sorry guys but some of the posts on this thread are not correct as far as gun ownership in Australia is concerned.
We are not limited to 4 long arms or hand guns, I have 5 hand guns and I know of many gun owners who have far more than that. As long as you can use a particular gun at your club you can obtain one.
The written safety test is not 1.5 hours, the safety course takes this long with a written test at the end, it only takes a few minutes to do the test.
Ammunition does not have to be stored in a 5mm thick steel safe, it just has to be stored seperately from the guns in some sort of locked container.
There is nothing in the pipeline to take our guns away in 10 years,( this may well happen if the anti gun nuts get their way but there are no plans yet ).
The hunting training program refered to is only for controlled vermin control in national parks not private property.
There are more errors in the thread so please have a look at this site.
Here is a link to the gun laws in all our states,
Gun Laws

Any of the American posters here who think they have a tough time with gun Laws should take a look at most of the rest of us, wherever in the world we are. Cherish your second Amendment and defend it. Like many things in life, the loss of such freedoms usually seldom comes at once. It happens by small increments, a bit here, a bit there, a modification and compromise or "amendment" here and there [ostensibly for seemingly 'good public purposes'] until - if not vigilant enough, it suddenly just disappears. The price of freedom is most certainly eternal vigilance, and the loss thereof, inevitably precipitates the long, cold dark Winter of tyranny. I wish I could say it thus:"Shooters of the world - unite!"
Have not heard a lot about this lot (GCA), They are no doubt another minority
group who seem to be able to influence politicans, it possibly consists of a
number of people who have little in their lives to do except to cause
problems for others. They appear to work deviously behind the scene and
attract a following of so called do gooders , bleeding hearts and people with a cause. Unfortunatly in Australia to-day there are many who cannot comprehend that a disarmed population is a submissive population.
Step 20 in Graham L Strachans book, "22 Steps to Global Tyranny" should be
read by everyone.
If you think that is fun try what's being proposed in Chicago and the surrounding prison camp of Cook County. Due to the Republicans having fled and the city being populated variously by past or present slaves, peasants, illegal alien kitchen workers and those who are here to get away from their tribal homelands, we have a one party system. Unfortunately the mayor shows all the proclivities of a typical northern urban ghetto big city shanty Irishman circa 1852 Boston or New York. Due to the peculiarities of Irish culture, many of whose members never got fully into being culturally American, a lot of their number is anti-gun. This is due to the history of Ireland as regards the English occupation and the resulting effect on firearms ownership in Ireland.

The elder Daley massively persecuted gun shops out of the city and finally got the last one out by getting them a contract on official police sales. Daley and his whining twits are a bunch of seriously effeminized sickos. Take a look at their latest efforts as shown by thge Illinois State rifle Ass'n. Now this can be opposed but Daley has a couple low down whores who will push this as an excuse for Negro or Mexican crime in the city, or, in one case, because there are anti-gun white twits who lead these efforts. That's what happened in Cook county though their proposals are totally unconstitutional and are a response to the situation pending in the Supreme Court where a pistol ban in Washington D.C. may wind up being declared unconstitutional. This will have a disastrous affect on all laws banning so-called assault rifles, .50 cal. BMG rifles, etc.

The trouble these two arrogant anti-gun sponsors don't realize is that they will provoke a reaction not only among people such as myself who has long been trying to set up a third party in my part Puerto Rican and part yuppie area but as well among other state legislators who have passed something like fifty pro-gun resolutions in other counties. As Illinois is in a major impasse among dominant Democrats who are fighting for position for their family members to assume the governorship, and that this is causing tax revenue and spending issues among them, and as Republicans hold the balance in that battle, it is entirely likely that downstate legislators of both parties will be really eager to screw Cook county due to the gun issue. Right now there is a budget deficit as well as a major problem over regional commuter rail and bus funding and the budget issue exists in the county as well.

I plan on exploiting this by simply asking people in the whole legislature to screw the Daley Democrat establishment and Cook county (which is also largely in Daley's clutches) by denying them funding or cooperation. Another issue which arose outside the realm of gun ownership but which I will exploit anyway is that of chicken keeping. Poultry and farm animals may not be kept within city limits except by permit. Therefore the city always picked up chickens from cock fighting Mexicans and Puerto Ricans or anyone who kept them as pets. I had a guy across the alley who raised fighting birds in a large coop in his front yard. Even the hens were ill-tempered and occasionally got into it. Once the yuppies started showing up the birds had to go but I do see one at the vet every so often.

Recently yuppie and green types started keeping chickens for fresh eggs. The city declared their droppings were feeding rats and mice and planned a final solution. Yuppie twits who said they liked fresh eggs must have objected as the matter has been set aside for the moment and all Chicago chickendom is safe for the moment. Now this gives me an idea for some anti-Daley political artwork. It will be aimed at Mexicans, Ricans, chicken-loving yuppies and anyone else. I'll tie it in with the gun issue and put up literature and posters declaring (English and Spanish language) Stand By Yours Guns and Chickens! I need some nasty lookin' M-16 and sniper rifles with some illustrations of cartoon style chickens. I'll check my large collection of model airplane magazines going back to 1930 or so and come up with some WW II eagle nose art logos. I figure a goggles and helmet wearing chicken dive-bombing with a huge thousand-pounder in its claws would work well. Fortunately I have some of the equipment necessary to set this up. Problem is a serious auto wreck has left me as something of a wreck so it's hard to get the job done as easily as before.