Gun Control...."for the soundness of our democracy"!!!!


New member
In the Rose Garden Tuesday, President Clinton again evoked the memory of the 15 deaths at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, in an appeal to Congress. ``Once again, the gun lobby is resisting with all its might,'' Clinton said. ''Once again, we're battling not just for the safety of our families, but for the soundness of our democracy.''


So now were supposed to give up our rights , not just "for the children", but now for "democracy".

How does sacrificing rights equate to anything but tearing apart "the soundness of our democracy"?

If he's so concerned with the soundness of our democracy, then why...

Sell us out to the Chinese?
Wage an illegal war, and violate the War Powers Act, depriving us of our right have our military controlled by our ELECTED representatives?
Hand control of OUR military to NATO?
Any of his other crimes, acts of treason, etc.

The reason is obviously that he's just full of crap, TONS of it.

Sorry for the rant, but that much BS first thing in the morning.....

Please pass the prozac & scotch, I've got to go lay down now.

The rest of that article is at:

"Come And Take It!"
You wanna know the worst part about this bullshiite?

The sheeple will buy it.

I read the entire article, then ran to the head and lost my breakfast.

"Gun control for democracy," my big ol' white butt.
Lonestar! I beat you by two minutes! heheheheheheh...

lesee...what's that saying... "Great minds think alike."?


Okay, DC, you have my permission to lock mine up...


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
And then the bum, in evoking that very memory does all but say that these 15 were martyrs for the cause of further restrictions! <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I want us to honor the sacrifices of the people in Littleton, Colo., and not to turn our backs on them,[/quote]

(emphasis mine)


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
MEGACRAPPOLA!!! Those people didn't sacrifice anything! Their loved ones WERE TAKEN FROM THEM by a couple of sick, twisted f*kk*ers who were the product of an over-indulgent, undisciplined, superficial culture and negligent parents. Does Hefty make barf bags? M2
Ya'll gotta quit listening to scuzball Klinton. Look, you already KNOW most of what he's gonna say, right? Spin, spin, spin. No realism, no rationale, just incredibly stupid platitudes followed by yet MORE spin.

Remember the 60s and 70s? "Tune in, turn on, drop out!"? Now it's the 90s going on the 00s, "Tune in, load everything, drop out." As a college friend said 30 years back, "We may not be able to stop you, but we can sure break you of the habit."

Larry P.

When the Mexican Army demanded the surrender of a cannon by the people of San Jacinto, the answer they got was "Come and take it!" Thus began the first battle of Texas' war of independence.
You guys dont get it...
See, the GOVERNMENT is here to HELP us...

Resistance is Futile, prepare to be assimilated.

Democracy blows as much as Monica. The U.S. was never intended to be a democracy, it is supposed to be a constitutional republic. Why do you think the gov nuts keep blathering on about democracy?

"Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses." Mencken

"Democracy is four wolves and a sheep voting on dinner." Heinlein

"Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

Just to show that I'm not the only wacko out there.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised
in the United States. This wasn't written today, a little history lesson from 1787 penned by Noah Webster. Another of those wise obscure drafters of the Constitution.
Perhaps he was viewing a glass ball and envisioned todays liberals attempting to form a constitution monarchy? Where the government is everything to everybody and nobody is you.
Tune in, Load everything, Turn on, VOTE 'EM OUT!

The Democrats are making the final power grab they need to ensure their eventual victory over the people.

Most Republican actually are Democrats. The ONLY Republicans I see are Smith (NH) and Keyes. Surely there are more - who are they?

I believe our next President will be George (my Daddy sent me) Bush.
I fear our next Vice President will be Elizabeth (nobody needs handguns) Dole.
Neither will get support or subservience from me.

Vote out or shootout? If we do the first, we may keep our government from starting the second.

Put THAT in my Goddam NSA file!
Dennis sez:

Surely there are more - who are they?

Ron Paul, I spoze... although he's a Loonitarian under GOP colors.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Roger! Ron Paul! Thanks, Mr. C.!

Wouldn't it be interesting if Paul, Smith, & Keyes all went "Libertarian"?

Maybe B-1 Bob Dornan would join? I wonder who else might make the switch???

Vote - for a change!