Gun control folk losing effectiveness? Or their minds?


New member
I almost suspect the “best and the brightest” in the gun control movement have moved on to other things.

Here’s an article making the point that it was easier to get folks riled up about gun control when President Trump was in office because President Trump’s image was pro-gun and the gun control crowd could tap into the virulent anti-Trump hatred to push their agenda. Now that he is gone, they can’t stir the pot with that stick anymore.

Despite the calls we hear for more gun control I’m seeing anti-gun messages that I really don’t understand and I suspect are not effective.

Maybe I’m not smart enough, woke enough or relevant enough to understand this stuff but I suspect others aren’t going to be impressed with this stuff either. Here’s a couple of examples of gun control stuff that I think are almost totally ineffective.

The first is an article about billboards that supposedly are anti-gun and supposedly anti-white supremacy. Here’s a link to the article and looking at the billboard and neither the anti-gun nor the anti-white supremacy message comes across to me and I don’t think it will come across to other folk either.

I think it is just an odd billboard that maybe says people should stop shooting people but it’s not really very clear on that point.

The last point is a Samantha Bee, Full Frontal TV show that I haven’t seen but I read about. In it she takes aim at guns (pun intended and there is no surprise there) but the point she tries to make has somebody taking off all the safety equipment on a modern mini-van, (seat belts, bumpers, air bags, padded dash boards, lights etc., etc., etc.) and claiming our guns today would be SOOOOO much safer if only we had insisted that manufacturers make them safer. My point is this, the destruction of the mini-van is so ludicrous that I think the anti-gun folk have lost their message on this one.

Again, I almost suspect the “best and the brightest” in the gun control movement have moved on to other things.

P.S. I actually watched the Samantha Bee video. It's full of the usual anti-gun stuff but the car/gun safety thing starts at the 7:45 mark and it is as goofy and, IMhO ineffective, as I've mentioned.
i don,t put any stock in what most actors and their ink say, they live it a different world than most americans. i think some have a arse wiper on their staff.
Not surprising about Samantha Bee, her program is just one of many so-called comedians opining on the latest trends of the day and commenting on them for the sake of feeling important and wanted.

They problem I see are those who would watch her program and consider it information worthy of their time. In other words, Samantha Bee and Co. perfectly illustrate the dumbing down of society. She is basically the product of an audience that is incapable of a thought process you and I would call normal or analytical.

We are literally watch the world being reversed almost solely on the principals of being anti-traditions, the flipping of values and morals, a rejection of individual rights as defined by the constitution (followed by a complete rejection of the Constitution itself), and rejection of judicial process. Republicans can be partially to blame for this, in their ineffectiveness over the past 25 years or more in defending such core principals.

When we are now seeing elected politicians openly favoring riots, promoting riots, promoting extreme ideological violence, showing support for domestic and even foreign terrorist organizations...we can see how Samantha Bee and Co. is unfortunately only a small symptom of just how badly things have turned.

What perturbs me the most however, is as a foreigner who immigrated to the USA and did everything by the book per US legal requirements, I was happy to escape this form of extreme leftist conformity. I'm stunned and shocked to see so many Americans openly accepting and embracing that same mentality.

If this is the new American society, I have no other place to go.
What perturbs me the most however, is as a foreigner who immigrated to the USA and did everything by the book per US legal requirements, I was happy to escape this form of extreme leftist conformity. I'm stunned and shocked to see so many Americans openly accepting and embracing that same mentality.

If this is the new American society, I have no other place to go.
You left France? They are having a very strong resurgence in right-wing movement right now. I hope you came to the US for reasons other than being able to own and shoot guns.
I'm going to be a bit of a contrarian here.

I acknowledge that there is a very large and powerful group that would stop at nothing to prohibit us from owning firearms.

But here is the thing: they are losing. Our gun rights have actually increased over the past few years.

More and more states are adopting permitless concealed carry, and others are considering it. Vast swathes of the US are now under 2nd Amendment sanctuary announcements (while they may not carry much weight, it is not something that can just be ignored either).

At the same time, attempts to introduce legislation to halt these advancements have gone no-where.

We are winning. Is it treacherous? Yes, but the doom and gloom is ridiculous.
Samantha Bee's analogy fails due to her misunderstanding the purpose of a mini-van vs. that of a firearm. The cognitive dissonance is hers, don't try to figure it out for her, you'll only hurt yourself.

As for the anti-violence "white supremacy" billboards, I'm OK with them if that's the only way to reach that audience to try to reduce violence. There's a certain community that this kind of ad will appeal to that needs to fix itself. It needs to stop being controlled by fear and rebuild itself. Maybe next we can get them interested in education to fight "white supremacy". Baby steps...

Parkland crybaby says what? The sound of 1 hand clapping...
Our gun rights have actually increased over the past few years.

Sadly, no, only SOME gun rights in SOME places, and we have lost ground in other places

There are more to our gun rights than just permits for carry. A few states easing restrictions on carry are a GOOD thing, yes.

But other places have been increasing restrictions on purchase, ADDING waiting periods, "enhanced background checks" (what ever the hell that is) requiring "Training" adding fees and other things, enough so that I don't see a net increase in our gun rights. At best its kind of a wash, but actually I think we have lost at least as much as we gained. Possibly more...

I don't see a real balance when a few states I don't live in, relax carry restrictions and the state I do live in makes me wait 10 days, provide proof of a training class (within the last 5 years) adds a special fee and requires approval from the local chief of police to buy a RUGER 10/22 or a Marlin 60 because they are now, legally "semiautomatic assault rifles".

And, in the process removing the state's CCW permit holder's exemption from the state waiting period when purchasing a handgun.

Don't be fooled into thinking we are actually making progress just because ONE part of exercising our rights has been made a little easier in some places while at the same time, we get buried under more restrictions in some other area of our gun rights.

The antis are NOT losing. At the moment, their assault on our rights isn't getting much support, but that is not "losing". Don't mistake the two.
I acknowledge that there is a very large and powerful group that would stop at nothing to prohibit us from owning firearms.

Actually, it's quite the opposite. Before the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012, the Brady Campaign had a monopoly on the issue. Then Michael Bloomberg got involved, and it forked. Infighting between the groups muddled the "message" and they failed to secure what should have been an easy win.

Now, anyone who can start a hashtag on Twitter or yell on an Instagram video gets to chime in. The gun-control movement has gone from a top-down agenda organized under one banner to a disorganized gaggle of small groups who can't agree on a unified message or approach.

That doesn't mean Bloomberg or Brady have thrown in the towel. Nor does it mean we should take our eyes off them. But their whole agenda has been diluted, and they don't have the power they used to.
Samantha Bee is, IMhO, a real piece of work and I initially didn't watch her video because I just really don't care for her.

I got the information about her anti-gun show from an article about it.

But since I posted a link to the video I felt compelled to watch the thing and one thing I found interesting was the comments on Youtube to the video. There's surprisingly little name calling and the pro-gun folk seem to be chiming in regularly pointing out the falsehoods (Samantha implied you could get around backround checks by buying guns on the internet) in both the show and in other comments.

I think folks reading the comments to the video will be struck by how rational pro-gun folk are and how much real common sense they have on their side
Samantha Bee is, IMhO, a real piece of work and I initially didn't watch her video because I just really don't care for her.

If she's the biggest threat to our rights out there we don't have much to worry about. No one watches her show. Now it's just a random clip going semi-viral because it's a lazy and easy way for sites like Huffington Post to create content.
If she's the biggest threat to our rights out there we don't have much to worry about. No one watches her show. Now it's just a random clip going semi-viral because it's a lazy and easy way for sites like Huffington Post to create content.
I change channels when advertisements for her show come on.
I didn't watch her video but did read a synopsis in an article and what struck me was the stupidity of comparing people shot with people killed/injured in auto accidents.

This is comparing apples and pine cones, or worse.

It's just so wrong at an obvious level one has to wonder just how stupid these people are, or how stupid they think we are...

Simply put the safety equipment in automobiles today is there to prevent or minimize injury from motor vehicle ACCIDENTS.

There is almost nothing accidental about people intentionally shooting other people. People being intentionally hurt and killed and people being accidently hurt and killed are not on the same page, they aren't in the same chapter or even in the same book. They are on the same planet, but that's about all they have in common.
With the US Senate Unable, or Unwilling to even get a UBC (Univ. Back. Check) bill onto the floor - simply for discussion - why would the more deceptive, "smarter" Anti-Gunners waste time on that or anything much more severe?

They all know that Biden's typically vague, anti-gun 'talk' simply keeps the Far Left off his back for a bit, as he raises money.

The fact that the CDC now says no masks are needed in most situations is a sign of how overwhelmed they are in the White House with various crises: major oil pipeline shutdown, the Border, many schools limited to 1-2 days per week, cost inflation of many resources. Conflict in Israel.

And No Masks...only about 45 days --after-- the CDC Boss made :eek: Dire Warnings about the Wuhan Virus............rather bizarre?

They are not About to try to push the Senate into getting any risky bill onto the floor for the discussion phase-- especially something politically very dangerous, for example any bill which could later place more limits on the Second Amendment (far too risky, even in normal times).
the stupidity of comparing people shot with people killed/injured in auto accidents.

When Shannon Watts formed the Million Moms Against Gun Violence (now Moms Demand Action), she did a community interview on Reddit. Her whole schtick was that she wanted her organization to be the Mothers Against Drunk Driving of gun violence, and how did you dumb gun people feel about that?

My response was, GREAT! We've been asking that for years. MADD didn't want to ban alcohol or driving. They just focused on punishing people who engaged in drunk driving. And it worked. Cities and states started punishing drunk drivers, and our roads got demonstrably safer.

If we apply that idea to gun crime, that means punishing the people who do bad things without harming those who aren't doing anything wrong. So, yeah. Sure, let's do that.

But that isn't what Ms. Watts wants. She wants unilateral bans and symbolic wins rather than doing the real work. The MADD comparison was cosmetic at best.

On another tack, I've seen headlines telling us that claim as many people now die from firearms as from automobile accidents. (It's bogus, but let's run with it) That doesn't mean gun injuries and deaths have gone up. It just means we're doing a better job at reducing car accidents.
The only good thing that came out of the riots and pandemic, was the massive move towards people feeling unsafe and arming themselves. Many of these were people who never would have imagined owning a firearm, but when the violence came close to them, they saw the need to buy a firearm. These are now people who will not support future gun control measures.
I'm going to be a bit of a contrarian here.

I acknowledge that there is a very large and powerful group that would stop at nothing to prohibit us from owning firearms.

But here is the thing: they are losing. Our gun rights have actually increased over the past few years.

More and more states are adopting permitless concealed carry, and others are considering it. Vast swathes of the US are now under 2nd Amendment sanctuary announcements (while they may not carry much weight, it is not something that can just be ignored either).

At the same time, attempts to introduce legislation to halt these advancements have gone no-where.

We are winning. Is it treacherous? Yes, but the doom and gloom is ridiculous.


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