"Gun control" first ... "car control" next

'Big Brother' to control speed from the skies

Daily Telegraph, London, 4 January

Compulsory electronic speed governors that would prevent drivers exceeding legal limits could be fitted in all cars in Britain within 10 years if ministers accept the findings of government-funded research.

... the technology enables road speed to be controlled via satellites.

The system uses the universal satellite navigation system, a computer loaded with a digital road map encoded with the speed limits for each street and a device to allocate the engine only enough fuel for the legal speed.

Safety campaigners maintain that fitting this as a standard feature on private cars would cut road accidents by two thirds, leading to enormous financial savings.

Ministers ... were told that the technological advances promised to make a variety of vehicle control, identification and location measures feasible and cost effective.

The report claims that positive benefits would start to flow from the system once 60 per cent of vehicles were fitted with it, since that would have the effect of slowing the overall speed of traffic.

Dr Oliver Carsten, head of the Leeds University team, defended the external imposition of speed restrictions as a way to enforce the law.

"The roads are risky enough as they are, and the idea that people should have the freedom to flout the law is an odd concept when it is a legal requirement that you comply with the speed limit," he said.

Coming soon to a motor vehicle near you!

They also need to take care of the slow drivers. They are just as dangerious as the speeders. The only safe speed is that speed of traffic. Just kidding... Big Brother again.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Imbecility at it's finest.

Sometimes you have to exceed the speed limit to pass one or two semis boiling along at the max, or worse yet, to avoid an accident.

Sounds like the lawyers would have a field day with this. Unless the government, as usual, say it can't be sued because it screwed up.

The point about slow drivers is valid. To be a true Socialist paradise, ALL vehicles must travel at the same speed, why should somebody go faster than another person just because he has a better car -- it just isn't FAIR!

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.