Gun Control Down Under

Here's some interesting stuff from the CA Rifle & Pistol Assn rag, "The Firing Line" which reports on Australia, one year after banning of long guns:

Homicides are up 3.2%

Assaults up 8.6%

Armed-robberies up 44% (For the past 25 years, armed robberies with firearms had been decreasing - until now).

In state of Victoria, homicides with firearms are up 300% (previous figures for the past 25 years showed a steady decrease. Opps)

Australian polticians who had opinioned that society would be safer following the ban have explained that it was necessary to wait longer.
It is nessassary to wait longer, At least till the next election. Then they will try to get the rest of the Honest Aussies guns and the rates will skyrocket. Then they will pass some more laws and the only people with weapons will be the Criminals and the Goverment. (That's kinda like saying the same thing twice)
" We're from the Government & we're here to help you

Aaaaarrrrggghhhhhh !</p> :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
I wonder if all those WW2-vintage 303s will get heavy use someday soon? Or will the Aussies roll over and hope for a Henry Bowman to come save them....
Hello all,
My Sister lives in Kingaroy Australia and she told me recently that the Goverment told its people to turn in their guns. I could not belive this but it was true. Her husband even turned in his old 22 Hornet that was just taking up space in their closet. So I asked her if the police were also giving up their weapons, she seemed confused and asked why they would do that! I said if there were no guns in private hands why would the police need them.
I have tried to get her to move back to the USA where she belongs and hopefully she will one day soon.
This is just a reminder to all of us birth right gun owners that we can never let our guard down and allow our Goverment to try and pass those kind of laws here in our great country.

"... society would be safer following the ban have explained that it was necessary to wait longer."

Yes, well ... if we wait long enough there will be fewer honest citizens left. Then the rates will come down. Seems like a bad plan - I wonder how the politician will feel when it is his / her family cowering while they wait for this great safety improvement to take effect.

This can happen to us.
I'd be real interested in hearing how the folks down there feel about this. Your last post didn't give many details. :)
We already know how cops feel about confiscating guns. That could be hazardous duty or... many of you would fight if surprised by a raid knowing that your family might get killed, your home destroyed? Of course, most of us would have something stashed outside of home...but I will wonder how many would fight rather than surrender.

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting might be a gun nut.