Interesting article from the Washington Times. Richard Diamond makes the point that uncertainty in firearms regulation makes firearms manufacturers timid about expansion and hiring.
DIAMOND: Gun control kills jobs
Stimulate the economy by repealing pointless firearms restrictions
By Richard Diamond - The Washington Times
Friday, January 6, 2012
Ever since Barack Obama was sworn in as president, the economy has misfired. Jobs remain scarce and the market has yet to recover the value it had prior to the 2007 crash. Though Mr. Obama’s policies have unintentionally given a major boost to an industry he hates - firearms - even this one bright spot hasn’t necessarily translated into new employment.
Take Sturm Ruger Co., one of the few publicly traded U.S. gunmakers. Anyone who happened to invest $100 in the firm’s stock on Mr. Obama’s Inauguration Day would have about $532 today. That’s stellar performance in any business climate. According to company filings, Ruger had orders in hand for twice as many guns as it had the capacity to manufacture. Under ordinary circumstances, such sustained demand would be a green light to expand production lines and make new hires.