I have belonged to the NRA for over 50 years. The NRA spent millions of our donor dollars to fight McCain introduced legislation like McCain-Feingold and McCain-Lieberman. Now they want me to vote for McCain. Wrong answer!

GOA has McCain ranked as an anti-gun leader with an F- rating. I ain't drinking the Kool Aid and I am not going to search for the lesser evil in two dedicated anti-gunners. Obama and McCain are both universally evil.
goa Has Mccain Ranked As An Anti-gun Leader With An F- Rating. I Ain't Drinking The Kool Aid And I Am Not Going To Search For The Lesser Evil In Two Dedicated Anti-gunners. Obama And Mccain Are Both Universally Evil.

GOA consists of a bunch of neo-libertarian wackos; Larry Fat can't even correctly interpret simple federal legislation. Neither the GOA nor the neo-libertarians can recognize the tremendous differences between McCain and Obama concerning gun rights. Which means that neither GOA nor the neo-libertarians have a firm grasp on reality.

Here's some questions that neither the GOA nor the neo-libertarians want to answer:

How did Obama and McCain vote on the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act?

Which candidate supports the reinstatement of the Assault Weapons Ban?

Which candidate wants to ban all semi-automatic weapons?

Here's the answers (because I know the neo-libs will avoid answering the questions directly and simply continue to complain about McCain while telling us there's no difference between McCain and Obama):

Obama voted against the Protection Act. McCain voted for it. Obama wants a new assault weapons ban. McCain doesn't, and he voted against the assault weapons ban. Obama wants to ban all semi-automatic guns. McCain doesn't.

But don't let the facts get in the way. Keep pretending that there's no difference between McCain and Obama. That way, you can continue to support Obama without having to directly address Obama's hatred of guns. ;)
NRA endorcement

The NRA refused to endorce a canidate and America got "The Clintons" for 8 years. I think, like him or not, that if they refuse to endorce McCaine we will have OBAMA and Clinton to deal with again...
Sorry but GOA is right. And so is the NRA. McCain is no friend of gun owners. He is also a much better choice, of the two available, than Obama. One of them will be POTUS and the NRA needs to make an endorsement. At the same time, the GOA needs to remind us we'll have to remain on our toes even if McCain wins. ESPECIALLY if we continue to have a Democrat House and Senate.
How long until some one will realize Obama is a menace to freedom and liberty. He hates gun ownership and wants strict gun control laws. To me there is no difference between Obama and Osama- both want to infringe upon other's freedom.

I think McCain is the lesser evil, and since there a two party system well in place in the US, I hope people wisely get rid of Obama.

I am some what surprised at Dems that they could not do better than Obama, whose only credential is that he is colored and lived abroad when he was five?

I think Obama will be extremely risky as a President since he will plunge US in to more unwanted wars. How many more troops and civilians need to die before there is sanity! Before he takes US to war he should serve himself or send his wife to see how it feels to have a loved one in harms way. I also debate his loyalty to America...wait and see, you will know what I am talking about. He is a pawn in hands of al qaeda. Just think. His background and his statements. He is waiting to be elected to he can take America to a wrong turn.
I stopped believing GOA's lies years ago. Larry Pratt and his kids will say anything no matter how false if they think that it will gull a few well-intentioned gun owners into sending them a few dollars.

They are true parasites who gain by causing divisiveness among gun owners and every penny that they suck out of the gun-rights movement for their own enrichment is money that might just as well have been given directly to Sarah Brady.
I ain't drinking the Kool Aid and I am not going to search for the lesser evil in two dedicated anti-gunners. Obama and McCain are both universally evil.

Let's make this simple. Washington DC vs. Heller was decided by ONE vote.

The next president may choose up to FIVE new Supreme Court Justices.

Do you want Obama or McCain making those choices???