Gun Collection Scenario


Some how the towelhead terrorists found out that you have a fairly large gun collection at home, and true to form, they want to steal your collection to carry out step two of carrying out terrorism in some sections of your town (assault on police, etc...)

So this is a simple test of your defense system of your home. This should give you time to take stock and see if you need equipment added or if you're all set as is.

The towelheads figure it's a simple assault on your home so they send three BG's to assault your home at night.

They try the simple knock and ask, but you don't play that game. You don't even come to the door. Your dogs growling and barking behind the door did deter them though. Also your motion detector lights came on making the area turn almost into a daylight situation.

They retreat and come back two nights later, dressed in mufti, to attack your house.

They toss poisoned meat into the yard for the dogs(you keep them in the house)....the motion detector lights come on....they shoot the main ones out with a BB gun.

You hear and see the lights going out. You switch to your working clothes and soft soled boots. You arm yourself with a sidearm and long gun or a 12 gauge shotgun?

All the lights to the house are blacked out, they hit your main electric switch. Just for formality, you check the phone,they've cut the lines. You pick up your cell-phone and call the cavalry while heading for your safe room, gathering up the family if they haven't already gone there.
You arrive at the safe room, where your wife is already armed and she has her flash lights on the furniture, ready for use.
You lock the door and everyone hunkers down for the assault?
and wait for the cavalry to arrive.

Or do you have an alternate plan? Don't sugar coat it, tell me what I need to do to plug up the gaping holes in my defense.

What would you do?
After you get the family in the saferoom, you and the dogs assault the intruders. Kill all three of them so they don't come back again after the sissy judge turns them loose because of a technical problem with the prosecution's case...
Going looking for multiple armed intruders in your house is an excellent way to get shot. One of you, many of them. Hole up, they'll have the disadvantage of having to move to get you, if in fact they even bother. If you have your guns in a nice, heavy safe, odds are good they won't be able to take them before the cavalry arrives. 12 gauge is good for what ails the bad guys, I always say. If you have the presence of mind to make it so that you have darkness behind you and lighting behind the bad guys, so much the better. They'll get popped before they ever see you.

I hope this scenario is so unlikely as to be borderline ludicrous. But being prepared for it mentally and physically never hurt.
Ludicrous scenario?


I sure envy you where you live...sounds pretty safe.
Here in soCal and better in Hollyweird, we were having about one home invasion a week or two. This is where guys posed as census takers, people in need for help, Police officers, gas men, meter readers, Christians looking for donations, etc...Some just out right invaded the houses...dynamic entry.
Had bunches of hostage situations, dead victims, etc., etc...

So far, most of these home invaders have not been caught. So since we've had other folks, why not throw in a few misguided folks? I've certainly heard of people breaking into other folks' house just to steal the guns.....haven't you? Please...please tell me we're not that different from the rest of the world.

All kidding aside, in soCal,, I estimate by news reports that we get one home attacked a week. There's been shootouts, pistol whippings, rapes, grand theft auto, kidnappings, etc., etc...

When I get ready to retire, I'm asking where you all live so that I can retire in peace.
One small correction, it's diaperhead. Towels are worn by people who bathe, and diapers are where we keep S***.

"The republic was not established by cowards, and cowards will not preserve it." --Elmer Davis
LASur5r, things are pretty calm in VA. There's always trouble, but most of it's over in D.C., where I do not live and very rarely visit. Gun laws are liberal in VA, and I would attribute part of the lack of serious crime out here to that. What prompted me to initially become a gun owner was the time I spent in California, ironically enough.

I say ludicrous, because where I live, it's not likely. Just because something's not likely doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I have the privilege of knowing some of the local law enforcement folks, and through them I find out what the most typical crimes are. Home entry does happen out here, but it typically happens when people aren't home. While I would be quite annoyed to come home and find my house ransacked, it's a whole 'nother level to be there when something bad goes down. I have a home alarm, firearms, and a very nasty disposition, and I'm prepared to use any and all means to repel invaders. That said, I do pray fervently to God that I'll never have to do it.
LASur5r - you can always goto Molokai or one of the quieter islands?

If you want to stay, I could rig up a claymore with some leftover C4 from the range so you can plug those holes? :D

All kidding aside, if the bozos KNOW about your gun collection, something has been made too public (i.e. details of your life) and using the schedule they're more likely to hit you when you're outside and out of the picture, I'd say?

Anyways I don't see any gaping holes.

I envy your lifestyle. What you said? Amen to that, brother.

Our neighbor, very quiet couple, got hit the other day.
The wife without thinking, arrived home early to find the front door open. She entered the house and found all her jade collection missing from the china cabinet. I happen to be home that day and she saw my car so she called me to ask what she should do.
As she described what she saw, I had a really bad feeling and told her on the phone to get out NOW! No questions, get out!
I called 911, opened my front door for the neighbor, and strapped on my 1911. Whipped a jacket on and met her at my driveway. Got her inside, sat her down, and took copious notes about what she noticed. At the end of the description, she said that she had noticed a beat up car next to her driveway, I ran to where I could see the was gone.
I told her that I believed she was very close to the BG when she went into the house...that I think he was in the house when she walked in. We told the police when they arrived...even the choppers came, but he or they were long gone.

And I live in a fairly well to do area...not rich estates, but nice middle and upper middle class neighborhood.

Molokai, ey? I was thinking the other day, the claymores could work. Only trouble is I'd probably forget to release the safeties. Getting old, yeah? Forgetting is one of the first things that happen to old timers, right?
Just don't try to crimp the blasting cap with your teeth ... I'll set it up for you. :rolleyes:

Seriously, how about pyrotechnics? Flashbangs? Would they work in a scenario like this?
The only hole that I see in your plan is taking the time to change clothes and shoes. What benefit is there to doing that during a nighttime home invasion where you have a wife and children to protect? More appropriate clothing and footwear may be tactically appealing, but time is of the extreme essence in a situation like you describe. In the scenario that you describe, the BGs apparently don't care whether you are inside or not, and that tells me that they would not waste any time getting in and take their sweet time while you gear up.

My priority would be to get the family into the safe room first, grab the cell phone second, grab the good ol' 12-gauge third, dial the cellphone fourth, and hope the BGs don't get to the safe room fifth. Hopefully, the cellphone and/or 12-gauge could be picked up along the way to gathering the family and moving into the safe room, so that there is no going back to retrieve those items.

I guess my point is that the best offense in this scenario has to be the best defense, which would be to hole up and hope the action doesn't come to you. Ambushing BGs with a shotgun gives you and yours a greater chance of escaping harm than playing hide and seek in the house. Maybe that sounds cowardly, but to me, there is no playing hero when you have a family of your own involved. Every component of your defense plan should be about minimizing their risk, and if it does not relate to that, forget it.