Gun club membership growth???


New member
I just joined a gun club. One comment caught my attention. Members noted requests for membership in the club have skyrocketed in the last 6 months. We all know what's been going on with gun sales everytime the anti-gunners make headlines.

How have gun clubs been doing in your part of the S?

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964
Pioneer of Kansas City MO is getting NLT four or five a month for the last year now.... and we now have members from other states besides MO & KS....... texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska....

not many from there but it is growing....
I've been shooting IDPA for almost two years now. When I started, there were about 35 or so regular shoters. Every month we have new first time shooters on both days. We now average over 60 shooters a month. Can point to at least another 30 that shoot every other month or so.

Yeah... it's growing. I LIKE it! :)
