Gun Closet Next To Bathroom - Rust?


Hello. I recently sold my gun safe and had planned to purchase another (larger) one when we moved. However, I'm now considering turning one of my closets into a hidden room instead. My only concern is that it's adjacent to my bathroom (the door would be inside the bathroom actually). It's a basement bathroom that won't be used often, but is rust going to be a concern? Will a dehumidifier be enough or should I rethink these plans?

The safe I was looking at (Safeguard GS-31) is around $1800 delivered with tax and this "room" would only be $250 or so. But it's not worth it if there is a risk of rust. Thoughts?
Yep, that's what I had in my last gun safe. I was planning on using 2 or 3 of them in the closet, but I wasn't sure if that was enough. It's a guest bedroom/bathroom so it's not used often, but the closet door is within the bathroom and about 10 ft from the shower.
Seldom-used plumbing next to a gun safe is an invitation to a water problem beyond mere humidity and moisture.

Is there a drain in the floor? Burst a pipe and you'll flood the floor of your safe.

Consider another location, or additional preparation.
I don't think it would be a problem

Unless your gun safe is made of old boards and you have leaky pipes, your guns should be fine. That being said, better safe than sorry, i'd recommend a dehumidifier if you are really worried.
A normal bathroom I would say no problems

A basement bathroom is just too many things going against it in regards to water issues
If a pipe bursts, rusting firearms will be the least of your problems. Any closet/safe/box that is kept warm enough to prevent condensation occurring will be fine. So unless you live in a cave or someplace with extremes of humidity you don't have much to worry about.
bathroom storage

If there is no shower in there you are ok aside from flooding etc. Make sure the storage room isnt open to drains or possibly leaking plumbing and use a dehumidifier.
My safe sits on a raised platform (idea from the gun show where I bought it) so that any water issues are a non issue unless I get WV rain flooding.

Bolt the safe to the platform, bolt the platform to the floor; bolt the safe (if in a corner) to the wall studs