I got a hold of our old parts washer from my work after they changed suppliers, it's only about 5-7 years old and big enough to fit a rifle in. We always used a mineral spirits variant at work and I think it will be too corrosive for my rifles. I was thinking of using the Hornady one shot gun parts cleaner but it says for use in ultra sonic cleaners. Does the solution have to be in an ultra sonic cleaner to work or would it be ok to use to soak my rifles and guns in prior to cleaning? Not to mention it has a pump and hose connected to a brush that I could do most of the cleaning with. I thought if it would work it would be nice for say the gas tubes on my ak's, ar's and my saiga shotgun to cut down on some of the cleaning time. These are the guns I like to shoot the most but they are also the ones that take the longest to clean.