Gun cleaners... again???


New member
I took my Springfield Armory Champion apart, and cleaned with my old stand by of Hoppes #9.

After cleaning I found out that I was out of gun oil. As a substitute I used a little WD40 sprayed into a rag, and wiped.

The amount of gak I got off of the gun was appalling!! Rag was black!!

Leading me to the conclusion that I need a better cleaner.

Any suggestions???

Bear in mind, I don't want to have to wear a hazmat suit every time I want to clean my guns.
That's interesting, but I wonder if it matters??

I just wipe down with Weaponshield until it looks clean. I find this clean enough.

I wonder what wd40 removed that Hoppes did not.
Mine get spotless by soaking in mineral spirits, preferably the so called odorless version.
Then brushing everything well, blowing it out with brake cleaner and let it all evaporate before lubing.
Easy and effective and not too nasty.
Not exactly an indoor process, but liveable.
wd40 was getting the rest of the carbon that #9 isn't really good at.

I use breakfree CLP mostly.

The best Hobbes for carbon is their #9 semi-auto formulation.
Yes, was a very comprehensive comparison of lubricants, and protectants.
Not cleaners...

Thanks though!! lol
There are lots of good solvents that work

It's hard to beat plain old carb/brake cleaner for metal parts, followed by a good oil for lube and rust prevention
That post was fantastic. Personally I use frog lube(liquid and paste) as well as milcomm TW25B. And I try to use gun care products for guns, and homeowner/vehicle products for those tasks. Brake parts cleaner will wreak havoc on certain types of polymers and plastics. Not a good choice for gun care, IMHO.