Gun cleaner vs wood furniture


New member
I currently have the factory rubber grips on my new CZ, but I'm thinking of replacing them with wooden grips. Will the gun cleaner damage the wood? I can be pretty messy when I clean out my guns. Do I need to remove the wood grips before cleaning?
All I can tell you is Powderblast slightly melted my plastic grips and left a white coating on them. Sure did clean things out though.
i have walnut grips on my mp 25 and the solvent doesnt seem to hurt the wood but i dont let the solvent sit on the grips for long.
I have not had a problem of getting solvent all over my wood, but if I thought I would, I would take them off. The solvent is attacking the finish, not the wood so much. It might not be so good for soft rubber grips, either.
The solvent is attacking the finish, not the wood so much.

That makes sense. At least if the finish is worn out you can just refinish it. Thanks.