Gun bestows 'supernatural' peace of mind?


New member
There have been some bad storms this summer and they get my girlfriend pretty scared. Her imagination can kind of run wild like a little kid :o

I know it sounds silly but even in a 3rd floor apartment, branches scraping on the window SOUNDS like a boogieman right outside.

There is no logical danger--it's just the wind--yet me being there with a gun gives her peace of mind.

She is pro gun but knows next to nothing--she's learning though and wants to get a gun soon.

My question is, is it wrong to encourage the 'peace of mind' that comes from having a gun, even when theres no logical danger? She's afraid of the storm, not that someone really is coming in the window. I want her to feel empowered but is this a bad reason?
I guess to me a gun is a tool for protection against REAL threats. I dont want to coddle a unrealistic fear?

I could be entirely overthinking it. :D I just want to keep guns in the right perspective
She should be encouraged and well informed. By that I mean she needs to learn that a gun is not a "talisman that wards off evil" and it is only a tool to be used as a last resort. A gun is useless at best and a liability at worst in the hands of someone who doesnt know how to use it properly & safely.

As always, training courses cannot be stressed enough.
You nailed it,,,

I guess to me a gun is a tool for protection against REAL threats. I dont want to coddle a unrealistic fear?

I was trying to think of the proper phraseology,,,
You answered your own question.

People with "irrational fears",,,
Are the last folk I want to see armed.

I would be afraid they would shoot at shadows.

That would be my fear,,,
Maybe it's irrational as well.

I want her to feel empowered, and shes good (shes a doctor for petes sake!) but she's just scared to be alone when theres storms lol
The OP poses a question that has made me think. I guess the real question is whether owning/carrying a gun gives you "peace of mind"? Honestly, I don't think it does. But, perhaps it does give you a sense of not feeling helpless in situations involving aggressive, threatening people.
To OP, not a bad reason at all. Might be a bad idea if she tends to get jumpy.

But to that effect, having mine gives me a good deal of peace of mind. I know that should someone attempt to enter my home to cause my wife and I harm, I have the means to deal with the situation.

Gun bestows 'supernatural' peace of mind?
There have been some bad storms this summer and they get my girlfriend pretty scared. Her imagination can kind of run wild like a little kid

I know it sounds silly but even in a 3rd floor apartment, branches scraping on the window SOUNDS like a boogieman right outside.

There is no logical danger--it's just the wind--yet me being there with a gun gives her peace of mind.

She is pro gun but knows next to nothing--she's learning though and wants to get a gun soon.

My question is, is it wrong to encourage the 'peace of mind' that comes from having a gun, even when theres no logical danger? She's afraid of the storm, not that someone really is coming in the window. I want her to feel empowered but is this a bad reason?

Your post make me cringe. Linking gun and supernatural leads me to imagine television shows and movies that have no connection with reality.

Someone who's choice of using a real world tool, with all of the tool's and person's real limitations, is based upon unrealistic expectations; and is therefore a formula for failure.

Deriving a feeling of safety where none exists is a bad thing. Expecting a gun to protect you against nature's havoc (wind, rain, hail, lightning, flood, etc.) is a bad thing.

I hope that you misunderstand the emotions of your girlfriend. I hope that she feels better having you near not your gun.

You mention that she is a doctor. However, education is no guarantee of clear logical rational thought.
Yeah she didn't want a gun as much as me with the gun there. She's never trained or shot much at all. Thats where I'm planning to start.
Well from a certain point of view, getting used to loud noises and being able to control them, might actually help if the thunder portion of storms is the issue.

TBQC, I do not think my wife has the heart to shoot someone, even in self defense, even if they fully intended to kill her. Don't ask me, I don't get it either. But every time I leave the house, I tell her where they are and what condition in the hopes that when push came to shove her kindhearted nature would take a back seat for a few minutes.
I know that I have grabbed my gun when things go bump in the night and it made me feel better, even though there was nothing there. Is that irrational fear thinking? Or is that protecting my castle?
Supernatural? Someone's been watching too much TV.

A gun is not a magic talisman that confers invulnerability on the person who wields it; with skill and the proper mindset, it's a very useful tool that greatly improves your odds when threatened by a predator, either two- or four- legged.

Better to have it and not need it, rather than need it and not have it.

Awhile back, I wrote an article that might be of some help to you and your ladyfriend as you consider whether or not a firearm might help solve her fear problem. It's at -- and it specifically addresses the question of those scary nighttime noises.

Hope it helps.

The firearm instills a feeling of power. The understanding that you now have the means to defeat the largest, meanest, nastiest, most vicious man on earth is quite comforting. You are no longer forced into victimization simply because you were born feeble or female. That bump in the night can and will fall to a well placed shot should it really be a goblin.

The peace of mind I have while carrying is priceless. I'm sure your girlfriend will get the same. Get her going and get her trained.
I was hoping you'd chime in Pax! I'm a big fan :) Your website will be a big step getting her situated.

I love how you put that, threegun. This is where I want her to be.

I have felt your girlfriends pain when I needed a gun and didn't have one. Its an awful feeling. Helpless and scared.

I have also felt how it feels to need a gun and have a gun. Its a bad feeling but less than awful. Simply scared.

I have also felt how it feels to potentially need a gun and have a gun. This feeling is ok. Confident and concerned.

Finally the feeling of having a gun and not needing it. Feels great. Confident and at peace.