Gun Ban

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New member
I am currently a year from being able to buy a handgun. The problem is that the way its looking things are going to really tighten up in the near future. With Colt having announced its stopping public manufacturing, do you think thats going to become a trend? Should I go about having a family member pick one up now just to be on the safe side?
Colt has NOT said they will stop manufacturing for public consumption. They ARE halting production of some of the less traditional Colt products but will continue the historically "Colt" firearms production for now.

That said, Colt hasn't made many guns worth owning in quite a while! Their quality control sucks and THAT'S why they are having to curb production of some models. If the end result is a better product then GOOD! If they fold, well, no great loss.

Barring a major boner by Clinton, there are plenty of good, honest, quality gun manufacturers out there and there should be a good selection when the time comes. Private sales will be available too and they are probably the best option these days (unfortunately, for gun dealers).

If you have a legitimate family member willing to purchase a gun so you can shoot then go for it! A private transfer when you are "of age" is completely legal. I wouldn't, however, suggest a Colt at this time.

Mikey your right on the button there.Colt has been losing ground for a few years now,
They can't build a 1911 worth owning and everyone knows it.This Fiasco is probably more about trying to sell their stockpile of wannabe Springfields and Kimbers.And bowing out before they lose any more money,which by the way they haven't done Since Browning designed the 1904.
They can't compete in an open market making a less than satisfactory weapon!
I don't have an opinion on unions, but it sure is a strange coincidence they started down hill when they unionized.

Accually I am thinking of getting the USP 40 can noncompact model. I was mentioning colt because it is a new occurance that could possible affect the market.
Ran across this on another board recently and decided to check it
out myself via the Federal Elections Committee's web site. Yep! It's
a fact.

So who cares if colt goes belly up?

Bob H.

>Donald Zilkha is the investor who owns Colt. Valerie is his wife.
>Center for Responsive Politics, Donor Look-up Results
>SEARCH CRITERIA: Donor name: Zilkha Election cycle(s): 1998
>Results: Individual Donors Search: 6 records found.
>Occupation: COLT MFG
>Date: 01/31/1997
>Amount: $10,000 (Soft money donation)
>Recipient: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
>Occupation: ZILKHA & COMPANY
>Date: 12/05/1997
>Amount: $1,000
>Recipient: Schumer, Charles E
>Occupation: ZILKHA & COMPANY
>Date: 12/05/1997
>Amount: $1,000
>Recipient: Schumer, Charles E
>Date: 07/03/1997
>Amount: $500
>Recipient: Women's Campaign Fund
>Date: 12/05/1997
>Amount: $1,000
>Recipient: Schumer, Charles E
>Date: 12/05/1997
>Amount: $1,000
>Recipient: Schumer, Charles E
IMHO Colt has been more interested in selling M16A2s and M4 carbines to the military and LE agencies than protecting gun owners rights. We as gun owners need to do everything we can to preserve the right to bear arms. In addition to the traditional battleground of politics we need to be aware that the assault on the second amendment is also occurring in the courts in the form of the frivilous lawsuits being filed against gun manufacturers by mayors of some of our major cities. As citizens we can support gun manufacturers by buying their products in addition to political activism. Even though I am a law student and don't have a lot of money I plan to buy a new S&W revolver in addition to the other firearms I own. I really don't need it but it is my way of supporting American firearms manufacturers. Everyone should try to do likewise if possible!
Get them while you can, we have never been so close to losing our rights. Don't worry too long about which gun to get, you already know many of the good brands and models. If you chose the wrong gun later you can trade up or down, unless you really choose a turkey. Even the so-called junk guns serve a purpose- my Jennings J-22 is fun and reliable, cost $69 new and mags are $5. Its not what I stake my life on, but after it is banned what will it be worth? The same reasoning applies to Glocks, Sigs, SKS, etc.
Each of your relatives should legally obtain firearms now for the good of the family. Your grandchildren will thank you, no yellow paper required for the family flintlocks and assault rifles.

JOEFO thanks for the very interesting info on Colt and Schumer.
I've read only a little about this. Please furnish the Links or references so I can research it further. I'm a newbe on the net if that helps.
A gun manufacturer giving money to Schumer is like a Jew supporting Hitler- very self-destructive behavior.
18, if you're heart is set on getting a Colt, there should be still enough in circulation to get one even if something really screwy goes with the company by the time you're "legal."

As far as the USP40 fullsize goes, many consider it to be the modern expression of the 1911 (I hear the reall 1911ers getting their torches ready). It's pricier, but the quality built into it you'll find to be worth it.


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