Guilty as charged or....?

cornered rat

Got this from the NRA. Would anyone care to address their points, specifically?
Dear Sir,
Thank you for contacting us but you appear to have received some bad information about the NRA on a few points.
First, Grassroots is the NRA.
Secondly, the NRA is the only one of the groups you mentioned with full-time professional lobbyists fighting for your Second Amendment Rights.
Third, what gun control measures has the NRA-endorsed? I would be interested to know. The NRA has endorsed several crime control measures recently but no law-abiding gun owner would believe that we should be lobbying for the rights of criminals to own guns. That would be contrary to every goal of the NRA.
I hope you will take some time and educate yourself about the truth about the NRA. Check out our website at
What gun control measures have they endorsed lately? Now, THAT isn't a stumper: EVERY SINGLE ON ON THE BOOKS!

After all, haven't they asked Clinton to enforce all those laws?

Sic semper tyranus!
what gun control measures has the NRA-endorsed?


"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
If JoeBob whoever that was from the NRA can, in all seriousness, use a term like "crime control measures" (the most notorious--not to mention obvious--euphemism for gun control out there), that only reaffirms my decision not to send them any more money (so they can squander it on fancy shooting ranches I'll never see) until they quit selling us out.
Without sounding too much like Forrest Gump, I can only add this...

My Momma used to say, if you hang around with manure long enough, you start to smell like it.

With the NRA, they have been hanging around Washington politics for so long, they've become entrenched in it. They say they lobby to to protect the 2nd Amendment, but all they do is play the game of politics, even adapting the language of the beasts.

The game that is played is to hide the gun control measures in the various "crime prevention" bills, and sell them as "for the children". What was once an unreasonable measure is now somehow acceptable to the NRA, because of the juxtaposition of the wording.

Albeit a frustrating truth to all of us, one cannot deny the ultimate effectiveness the "gun lobby" (NRA) has on slowing the anti-gun agenda, eventhough it is compromising that slows the process. When GOA has 3 million members, I'll be behind them 100%. But until that time, you have to play the numbers game.

Infringements are infringements. All gun control laws equal infringement. The only solution to curb this slippery slope, is to repeal ALL existing gun laws. Adding more un-Constitutional laws doesn't make the existing ones any less un-Constitutional.