Guiding Principles

Will Beararms

New member
Much of the tyranny that we as law-abiding gun owners are being subjected to can be traced back to the fact that the politicians have utter disdain for our Constitution. They have seen to it via a Federal Education Bureaucracy that no one is aware of exactly what our rights are and who the government really is-----We The People. The very idea of an "education department" usurps the mandated role of the Federal Government in the first place. Most people on the street believe that we are a Democracy when in fact our form of government is defined as a Constitutional Republic. In the same light, I am always amused when I hear the D.C. despots spew their verbal manure about campaign finance reform. In truth, if we held to the framework of our Constitution, campaign finance would be much less of an issue. Under the guidlines of our Constitution, Senators are to be selected by the State Legislatures. You won't hear Trent Lott or Ted Kennedy broach this subject! Truly the time has come to get rid of the one party system in D.C. by seperating the wheat of the Republican Party from the tares to form a new political force cognizant of our need to adhere to the foundations that made this land great. If we allow the status quo to remain, all of the God-Given Freedoms our Constitution recognizes will vanish----not just the Second Amendment.

P.S. Question:Who is Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy's best friend? Answer: Republican Senator Orrin Hatch. Need I say anymore?

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

I agree. The bad thing about the current state of affairs is that "we the people" do not even know nor do "we the people" recognize the foundational principles, the reasons that we have rights. You mentioned "God-given rights". This is true. Unfortunately, most of the policy makers and people no longer recognize that it is He who granted us rights. I know that you mentioned this fact. If a poll was taken on this forum or any other gun forum as to what was just stated, I'm not sure just what percentage would even agree with that last statement. If many gun owners don't even recognize the Foundation of our rights, how can I ever expect more from the general population.... And that the Bill of Rights simply recognizes some of these rights and enumerates them in a written legal document. Even in mere legal terms, the BOR is consistantly ignored by those many politicians who swear to uphold them. This procedure is simply a formality to them, not something to be held to in intent nor deed.

The people who vote them into office get mad about it when it affects them personally, yet they have no basis for complaint. They don't even know WHAT a right is. They ask for security and what they get is eventually tyrany. As Ben Franklin said, "Those who are willing to trade their freedoms for safety will soon have neither."
Psalm 9:17 Puts it this way, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." This is the problem. I know the solution. As much as some might be offended (not most) by that last Biblical statement, I don't know if they want the solution. Good or bad, a people usually get what they ask for when it comes to politics and their personal destiny.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Larry Pratt of GOA was interviewed today by Beverly LaHaye of CWA on her Beverly LaHaye Live radio spot. He pointed to the fact that today in America's Public Schools, we are teaching our youth that they are not in God's own image and that we all evolved from apes. He went on to stress that this accounts for the murders in the classroom more than anything else since our youth are taught from the git-go that we are nothing more than monkeys with the ability to speak. He aptly expressed that fifty years ago, guns were much more accessible to children than they are today. The difference is today there is no acknowledgement of a Heavenly Father to whom we are all accountable. I too know the answer, Eqaulizer, and He became my personal Saviour on 27 April, 1991 at 11:15 hours. I say this not in pride but rather in humble gratitude lest it should appear that I boast.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Without God there can be no justice. Man can not grant rights that come from our Heavenly Father, however Governments can and do restrict them.

When prayers at Highshool football games is banned, but condoms are handed out freely, there has been a destruction of the fiber of society.

We the People, have sold our souls to the devil and he is alive and well in Washington D.C.

I am still proud to be a gun owning American Citizen. But I am finding it harder and harder to defend my position, because the vast majority of people that I speak with are so uneducated as to have no real idea what the hell the Constitution is anyway.

My 7 year old son is already being brain washed by the liberal mind police. He came home today and said that the earth is getting warmer every year, because I drive a SUV and further that my smoking is causing him mental anguish... HELL at 7 I dont believe that mental anguish is a word combination that he would understand.

Let me see,,, hunting is killing, smoking will kill me, my SUV is causing the earth to get warmer, I should not make lots of money but I should give it to the poor.. This is what he is bringing from school.

I asked my 16 year old nephew if he had read the Federalist Papers, he looked at me as if I was crazy, then told me he never heard of them.... I was dumb founded... I bought him a copy and sent it to him along with a copy of the Constitution.

How can WE THE PEOPLE defend ourselves against our government, when it is the government who is educating our children and not telling them of the Constitution or what freedom really means.

WE THE PEOPLE have let this happen. With the public schools, the professional politicians have a perfect vehicle to get their message across. They have little minds that are easily molded and easily convinced.

My seven year old is actualy hostile towards my smoking..... reminds me of the little children in Germany who were willing to turn in their families as jewish or jew sympathizers.....

Scary isnt it......

May God in is infinite wisdom grant each of us the power face the future and stand up for RIGHT.

Judge Blackhawk
JudgeBlackhawk, Why not homeschool? Easy for me to say I agree, but there are many here and elsewhere who might offer assistance. Regardless, you must find a way to transfer your values to your children and relatives without having to compete with a controlling beauracracy. There are also compromise situations that are worth persuing. Good luck .
Wasn't it Lenin that said:

" Give me your children, and in 5 years I will give you back a perfect Socialist."?


veritas vos liberabit
There was also a well known Cardinal (name escapes me) in Boston who said "give me a boy till he is 10, and he is mine for life." Don't know which is worse.