Guide rod recoil reducers?


New member
I am curious about the Harrts and Springco recoil reducers as I might want to test drive one in a full size 1911. Do they actually tame recoil or is it smoke and mirrors? The Sprinco utilizes a dual spring setup which does seem to work in my Glock 29 and 30. The Harrts uses a mercury/ball bearing setup whose MO ecsapes me but I am gullible enough to believe the PR. So back to the origianl question, do they work? Do they adversely affect reliability?
Are you having trouble with a 1911? What ammo/load do you use? Is the recoil too much? Are you wearing plugs and muffs?

The Harrts rod changes the 'feel', the 'timing feel' when firing.

If you remember, I am the guy who will be converting a .40 S&W Kimber to 10mm as soon as all the parts suppliers are back from the holidays. I was trying to dream up some ways to soften the wear and tear of full power rounds on the completed gun without creating any more length or using hybrid porting as it will be a carry piece.

Thanks for the replies, all.