Guide Gun Won't Fire!


New member
Last Sunday, after taking about 3 hours to install a Simmons Granite 3-9 scope on my Guide Gun, I took it to the range to sight it in. The gun refused to fire. Upon further examination, the 45-70 rounds did not have any indication that the firing pin was impacting the primer. It appears that the firing pin broke on the rifle. It has less than 14 rounds through it. Its less than three weeks away from hunting season and I was looking so forward to using the Guide Gun for hunting this year. Anybody want to guess when I'll get it back from Marlin for warranty repair??

Anybody else have this experience???


Only 14 rounds? Hopefully not all at one shooting...(ouch)!

No, this is the first I've heard of such problems.

However, to facilitate a more rapid and knowledgeable response to your plight, I'm going to repost this to The Smithy forum.

I shot the gun about 4 times with 3-4 shots per sitting. Like you say, ouch!

I was really looking forward to shooting it this hunting season.

As an aside, it cost $18.50 for a box to send the rifle and another $24 to send it to Marlin 2nd day air via UPS. I sent it to Marlin under warranty repair and I expect them to fix it and send it back for free.

BTW, did you know that UPS will no longer allow ASOs (Authorized Shipper Outlets) to forward ship firearms??? I never saw this in the recent discussion about UPS deciding to ship handguns only by 2nd day air.

E-mail sent.


I received my Guide Gun back from Marlin on Friday night. Hunting season started Saturday, so I didn't have the time to go to the range and sight in. Marlin had a short note that said they replaced a broken firing pin, with no other explanation.

I still don't know what to do to prevent this in the future or if it will happen again or not.

Kinda scary; I'm glad I don't plan on using it for defense.

Albin, there is nothing inherently weak about these firing pins. Sometimes the firing pin will break in any gun. This won't be of much comfort I'm sure but your new pin my last a lifetime and then again it may break within a couple of shots. You might consider getting an extra just in case. George
The Marlin firing pin IS inherently weak. Years ago I broke the pin on a 336, and sent it in to the factory to be repaired. I got a note saying that Marlins should NOT be dry-fired, as this will be sure to break the pin in short order. I have avoided dropping the hammer without a chunk of rubber in the way, ever since. Did you dry fire your gun? BTW, you could have had the firing pin replaced by simply sending in the bolt, didn't need to send the whole gun. slabsides

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
I thought my firing pin had broke on my Guide gun today also. Just a very light mark on the primer, chambered again.....same thing , then I happened to look at the firing pin block safety...guess what.....the safety was ON. Whew!