Guide for Alaska Black Bear?


New member
Hey, is there anyone from Alaska that knows if it is still legal to hunt blackies in Alaska without a guide? The Alaska fish and game website is not helpful. I'll be on Prince of Whales Island soon and staying with a friend. I'd love a crack at a nice coastal blackie.

No, non-residents don't need a guide to hunt black bears in Alaska.

Black bear tags are reasonably cheap for non residents also.

Google Alaska Fish and Game hunting regs.

Don't know how you plan to hunt but I would drive through Canada. Between Tok Junction and Glenn Allen and south of Glenn Allen you'll see lots of blue berry fields, acres and acres. Get on a hill so you can cover the blue berry fields and glass. You'll see bears.

Also don't for get to get a 5 day or so fishing license. Take a light spinning rod and silver spinners (Mepps 00, silver with not feathers) and/or a fly rod with mosquito looking flies. You're gonna find lots of small streams full of Grayling.
Guides are only required for grizzly/brown bear and sheep. Everything else can be hunted on your own.

PoW is a black bear mecca with metric @#$^loads of sitka blacktail deer.
Hmm, upon further investigation it seems that beginning in fall 2012 a guide is necessary. I was planning to use either a Winchester 30-30 or 30-06. I guess I'll be sticking with the blacktails.