Guess Who’s Bitter and Clingy


New member
Recently in San Francisco, Obama said the following about small town Americans: “And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

He has subsequently said that he didn't choose his words well, but "I said something that everybody knows is true." (LA Times, Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer April 13, 2008). So he meant what he said, just not the way he said it.

As a Harvard-educated lawyer, he should know the textual interpretation canon known as noscitur a sociis: a word is known by the company it keeps. That is, because words can mean different things, words are intended to be interpreted by the words around them.

“Antipathy to people who aren't like them,” “anti-immigrant sentiment” and “anti-trade sentiment” are not positive attributes. They are negative attributes: respectively, racist, xenophobic, and isolationist attributes. And so, if small town Americans are bitter and clinging to racist, xenophobic, and isolationist attributes, what does that mean for the attributes stated between the words “bitter” and “antipathy”? Applying the canon of noscitur a sociis, those attributes of clinging to “guns” and “religion” must also be negative attributes. At least, according to Mr. Obama.

In sum, Mr. Obama regards guns, religion, a respect for obeying immigration laws, and a concern for keeping your job as negative things. Accordingly, people who hold such views are bitter.

But let’s look at some other people, people with whom Obama associates, and see what we find.

Michelle Obama has said that for the first time in her adult life, she is proud of her country. She has said that life in America “is not good: we’re a divided country, we’re a country that is ‘just downright mean,’ we are ‘guided by fear,’ we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. ‘We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,’ she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. ‘Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I’m young. Forty-four!’” (The New Yorker, March 10, 2008, Lauren Collins). These sentiments come from a woman who attended Princeton and Harvard Universities. Her husband has made millions of dollars.

She sounds bitter to me, and clinging to both her bitterness and her feelings of victimhood.

Then there’s Jeremiah Wright, spouting decades-old conspiracy theories about drugs and AIDS. He sounds bitter as he clings to ludicrous conspiracy theories.

And finally, there’s William Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist bomber who wishes he had done more damage. I doubt you can get any more bitter than attacking your own country, and decades later wishing you had endangered the lives of more fellow citizens, as he clings tightly to his discredited Marxism. You’ll only get his Communist Manifesto and Little Red Book by prying them from his cold, dead hands.

Mr. Obama may not know or understand small town America. But he certainly knows people who are bitter and cling to destructive attitudes.
It's called projection.
What Mr. Obama is saying is what HE feels, the things HE fears (namely folks who would cling to items he's concerned about like religion and guns). It's pretty telling actually since those would be the folks unlikely to buy into his rhetoric of "change".
Michelle Obama has said that for the first time in her adult life, she is proud of her country.

An astonishing comment when you consider that she is old enough to have watched, on live t.v., things like:

-Neil Armstrong step out of the LEM onto the lunar surface,

-MLK's speech at the Lincoln memorial,

-US Olympic Hockey team defeat the USSR team,

An astonishing comment when you consider that she is old enough to have watched, on live t.v., things like:

-Neil Armstrong step out of the LEM onto the lunar surface,

-MLK's speech at the Lincoln memorial,

-US Olympic Hockey team defeat the USSR team,


Not so astonishing that she said it, astonishing that anyone would buy the load of BS that she is trying to sell with that comment.
It's called projection
Exactly. His unfiltered comments are a window into the true Barack Obama, as are his assocations. Apply noscitur a sociis to Mr. Obama, and you will know him by the company he keeps.
What is astonishing is the number of people who are buying into this BS. Even the people that can't for the life of them can tell you what he's done, are all for Obama. He's the man that can do no wrong.
Actually, those people don't astonish me. When I bring up these matters with Obama supporters, they get exasperated, turn a blind eye, and don't want to talk about it. The impression I get is that they've made such an enormous emotional investment in him, they can't deal with the pain of being wrong. To them, he was a secular messiah. Living in that fantasy world was very comforting. Cold, hard reality is something they'd rather just shut their eyes to and hope it goes away.
"And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to.....antipathy to people who aren't like a way to explain their frustrations..."

Does Obama even realize that this is a spot-on description of Trinity UCC and Rev. Wright?
Perhaps they should rename the party to "Lemmingcrats". It certainly seems to celebrate self-destruction and failure in their current incarnation.
WhyteP38 said:
When I bring up these matters with Obama supporters, they get exasperated, turn a blind eye, and don't want to talk about it. The impression I get is that they've made such an enormous emotional investment in him, they can't deal with the pain of being wrong.

I have experienced the same thing. However, I don't believe these people think their assessment of Obama's character was wrong -- they do not believe the "bitter" comment was incorrect at all -- they agree with it wholeheartedly.

It is only from the practical consideration that Obama may now be permanently disabled as a national candidate, that they feel their investment is at risk.

The silver-tongued savior was caught uttering words intended only for select elitists. He may have finally "screwed the unscrewable pooch", (quote courtesy of Tom Wolfe).
so every one is just living in happy land

according to some folks. I'd say people who are pissed about so many thing that have happened like getting laid off or having a wage reduction are not bitter about that are they. People are not unhappy about al the BS regarding immigration becasue if they were unhappy they might be bitter.
I guess the campaign is going to be won by the person with the best vocabulary. And that is not going to be McCain either.
Life isn't digital, all 1's or 0's. It isn't a choice between "happy" and "bitter." There's a zone in the middle that includes "unhappy." "Unhappy" and "bitter" are not the same.

Are people unhappy about some things, concerned about other things? Yes, but that's nothing new. Is it more than normal? Not according to my experiences.

I lived in the Rust Belt during Carter's diastrous reign. Gasoline might cost $4/gallon now, but you can get it. Back under Carter, you waited several hours in line, if your license plate number ended in an odd number for odd-numbered days or in an even number for even-numbered days, and prayed the station still had gas by the time you got to the pump. Otherwise, your wait was wasted, and you had to hope you could get some gas the next time you were allowed to purchase some.

Those were bitter days.

I know some people who are unhappy with some aspects of their lives, but the only bitter person I know is my eldest brother, and he's been that way his entire life. The gun-owning and religious and gun-owning/religious people I know aren't bitter.
Why do we have these threads? No one on this Board is going to vote for Obama and everyone has seen through him.

Shouldn't we (including me) be working on state and local races?

Thread follows. Hopefully it turns into 50 threads

WildhereigoAlaska TM
Why do we have these threads? No one on this Board is going to vote for Obama and everyone has seen through him.
Maybe so, maybe not. My impression is that there are a lot of undecided minds on this forum. No candidate seems to command much devotion around here, and some folks are still pondering their choices.

Besides, if no one on this Board is going to vote for Obama, who are they going to vote for? Hillary? If she gets the nomination, I doubt many people on this forum will vote for her. If she doesn't get the nomination, they can't vote for her. So they'll all vote for McCain? I seriously doubt that too.
No one on this Board is going to vote for Obama and everyone has seen through him.

Where did you get that idea? I have seen time again people on this forum that not only defend Obama, but have said in so many words that they will vote for him.

Start here. See if you can discern anyone supporting Obama...this is a test.

Other examples are available if you just look. No they are not direct, as in "vote for Obama". But they ar not very subtle either. Many times they are very long arguments that hints it's OK to vote for Obama because he will not really be able to get any anti-gun legislation through, and his other values will out weight his anti-gun stance.:barf:
People who have Religion and Guns have no reason to be bitter! They have Religion and Guns! :D

Wild: The worst part is, theres nobody even good enough to write in.....

(that is electable anyway, or that enough people would agree on)
People who have Religion and Guns have no reason to be bitter!

Guns can make you bitter. I was going to the range to exercise my 1911 on some water jugs. My wife stopped me and made me...yes made me...cut the yard. That was a gun related bitter experience.:mad:
Not surprising. The Obamas are post-Americans. They hate the country and its Constitution. They embrace the UN as a way to undermine the USA.

Obama is bitter about America and will only be happy when we are destroyed.
Not surprising. The Obamas are post-Americans.
To me, he's a past-American. He sounds more like a throwback to the 1960s. That's kind of ironic for a man who claims he wants to be the candidate of hope and the future.

He associates with a 1960s terrorist bomber, he takes spiritual guidance from a man who believes long-discredited conspiracy theories about drugs and AIDS - and a man who Obama admits was ideologically formed and is now ideologically stuck in the 1960s - and his wife still clings bitterly to that same 1960s radical history (perhaps taking most of it in through Rev. Wright's sermons). Even Obama's financial perspective harkens back to the 1960s.

The so-called candidate of hope and the future clings to people who are excessively bitter and stuck in the past.

For Obama, it's "Back to the future ... circa 1960."
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