Guess who placed second...

that was funny. I liked that ad. I like huck more than paul but if it's paul on the ballot he's got my vote. :D

P.S. Was hillary first? I could barely make out what the speaker was saying.
If I was a Ron Paul supporter I wouldn't take the news that he is doing well with San Francisco Democrats as particularly good news.

I doubt that any candidate can appeal to both the hard left voters represented in the San Francisco straw poll and the mainstream conservatives that you'd find in Iowa and New Hampshire.

I can't imagine that Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater would have done well in San Francisco.

If I were running for President as a mainstream conservative Republican, I wouldn't be satisfied with anything short of being burned in effigy in San Francisco. :D
I doubt that any candidate can appeal to both the hard left voters represented in the San Francisco straw poll and the mainstream conservatives that you'd find in Iowa and New Hampshire.
You might notice that he's done fairly well in Republican straw polls also. :)
Head-to head_________W-L-T
Ron Paul v. Rudy Giuliani 38-7-0
Ron Paul v. Mitt Romney 30-15-0
Ron Paul v. Fred Thompson 29-15-0
Ron Paul v. John McCain 39-5-0
Ron Paul v. Mike Huckabee 37-6-1
Ron Paul v. Tom Tancredo 42-1-0
Ron Paul v. Duncan Hunter 41-2-0

And I would imagine that both Reagan and Goldwater would have both done very well in San Francisco. After all, Reagan was the last Republican to have widespread Democratic support and Goldwater was pro-gay rights back when it wasn't cool.

If you would be the type that would be "hung in effigy" in SF, I suppose that's cool and all.... but it would be impossible for you to win a general election this cycle.
If you would be the type that would be "hung in effigy" in SF, I suppose that's cool and all.... but it would be impossible for you to win a general election this cycle.

Bush, the person everyone love to call a moron, did it twice, and yet according to slash its impossible. :rolleyes:

I think I misunderstood your post referring to the straw polls...the way it looks, its as if noone has ever beat Ron Paul more than he beat that true? Just seemed like a confusing list, could be me.
he is doing well with San Francisco Democrats

LOL. That's classic. Another victory for Ron Paul. :p

You don't really think that democrats (especially liberal demos) would actually vote for Ron Paul (or any other Republican) rather than voting for the demo nominee, do you?!? :confused: Because the democrats/liberal democrats will vote for Hillbama regardless of who the repub nominee is.
Ron Paul, the choice of San Francisco. That says a mouthful. I'm sure they will support Paul's choice for Secretary of State, Rosie O'Donnell, as well.
You don't really think that democrats (especially liberal demos) would actually vote for Ron Paul (or any other Republican) rather than voting for the demo nominee, do you?!? Because the democrats/liberal democrats will vote for Hillbama regardless of who the repub nominee is.

I think Cisco citizens are showing their true colors on what they really want out of this country. I think they want to vote for Ron Paul NOT for his principles, but what he would bring for California.

Think of it this way, Fremmer...

1. Paul wants to allow states to decide legalization of marijuana, not the federal govt. This would shorten the leash on the state and let loose the legalization process the state wants. And we all know what CA wants to do...

2. I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, Paul wants states to decide on the marriage issue. Now, homosexuals would be able to tie the knot "lawfully".

Those, IMO, are hot button issues in that state. Paul will bring home the bacon for them.

Just my observation of what San Francisco's finest ulterior motives are...
Gay marriage and smoking dope? They'll get that from the demo candidate, as well as someone who will tow the democrat party line on issues like abortion, socialized health care, tax increases, spending, illegal immigration, and gun control. And the democrat candidate will, of course, belong to the democrat party, and further the power of the democrat party if elected. So I just can't see the the demos in California (or anywhere else) voting for Ron Paul (a republican), rather than voting for the democrat candidate.
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