Guess Louisiana deserves a bashing for this gem


New member
On Tuesday Gov. Mike Foster signed the first State law that makes it a crime for school kids, kindergarten through fifth grade, not to address teachers as "Ma'am" or "Sir", or use the appropriate title of Mr,.Miss, Ms, or Mrs. Higher grades will be phased in, one per year,over the next few years. There is no punishment (yeah right, no immediate punishment) for the crime, it is to be left up to the 66 individual school districts how to disipline pupils. Howver no pupil may be expelled or suspended.
Asinine. Respect by decree.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 08, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 08, 1999).]
The solution? Sarcasm so dripping wet you could take a shower in it.

As in, "I love living in Louisiana, Ma'am!"

There! I done bashed it good!


[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 08, 1999).]
I'm damn well sick and tired of Louisiana bashing! and if you beer-drinking gun owning bigots don't stop it I'm going to move to california to support Diane Feinstein and Barbera Boxer and all those other great altruistic Americans. And yes it is hot here - it's always hot here - I saw a lady sweeping her sidewak this morning wearing only a blouse. Guess what I saw when she bent over to sweep. It wasn't a pleasnat sight - she weighed 200+ pounds.... So lay off dudes...Repeat after me - Firing Line rage....
I remember a time when using these titles was called "Good manners" or maybe "Common courtesy". Now it's called "LAW". Makes you wonder where this country is headed, don't it?
Grayfox, the thing is it's not PC to be polite and curtious anymore, so the parents don't teach their little rug rats. do i think it should be a law? well hell no!! but it would be nice to see kids w/ a few manners.
damn, i really can't believe i even said that! i must be gettin' old. what ever happened to that, let's raise hell, FTW, get out of my way guy?? damn, i'm turnin' into a human :(

the above statements has upset me so much i must go to the hills this weekend and try to renew my rebel rousing self. y'all have a good weekend!!! :)
what me worry?

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited July 08, 1999).]
As Governor of Louisiana, Mike Foster has been the driving force behind the introduction of CCW in this state and he quickly forged a massive coalition in the state legislature that negated New Orleans' lawsuit against the gun manufacturers. He has been a very pro-gun advocate and as far as I'm concerned, those kids can say yes sir and no ma'am while standing on their heads if it will make the big guy happy!

[This message has been edited by Karanas (edited July 08, 1999).]
Sorry to upset those from LA, but another useless, unenforceable law is not going to change anything for the better. What it will do is just what boing pointed out. It will have the opposite effect. With so much discussion on these forums about not adopting any new gun laws, but enforceing the existing ones, where does this type of law fall? Is this where we are heading as a country, like Grayfox asks? If the school system can't figure a way to have the respect of students, they are failing in their fundamental efforts. A stupid law,is a stupid law. I doubt if the gov was responsible for this, it had to originate from the legislature. It should make you wonder though if he agrees with it, or if he caved to pressure. OBTW, I am not from LA or CA, I am from Ohio, and we have plenty of stupid laws here. I am not timid about bashing any one of them.

Does the law specify if a child has to call the male teachers "sir" and the female teachers "ma'am"? If not, there's some fun to be had. Why not, Master, or Comrade? And one of those snappy salutes, like Ming-the-Merciless' guards used, too?

Dear supreme being, please protect me from over-legislation. Amen.
Bill, Longhair, Greyfox: Do yall remember when.... Any parent in your neighborhood 20 had your parent's permission to whip your butt? Mrs. So and so's maid had permission to whip every butt in the neighborhood? If Mrs Elsie had to get on you, your Dad came home P.O.'ed later? My dad is still around, should we ask if Team Henry should go forth?
IMHO You don't want to see Henry when he is cocked and locked!

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited July 09, 1999).]
You bet I remember! And the world was a better place for it. And it wasn't just the neighbors either. Both my parents worked so we had a housekeeper come in a couple times a week. A little old black woman named Mary. Mind you, this was the late fifties and early sixties before the Civil Rights movement. But as far as the kids were conserned, She was just another adult and was to be treated with all due respect. I might push momma, I might test daddy, But I learned real quick not to cross Mary! She'd whup my butt in a heartbeat. I truley believe I'm a better person for it. I had great respect for her and loved her. In fact, I was very pleased when she came to my wedding many years later.

The point is, kids need the disipline of the entire adult community. What's that saying? "It takes a village to raise a child." So true. But, in todays PC world, if you try to disipline someones elses kid, you'll either be sued or arrested.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"If the school system can't figure a way to have the respect of students, they are failing in their fundamental efforts."[/quote]

I'd say the shool system is a victim of the parents, in that case.

How many times have I seen kids running amok in public, while the parents ignore them?

All the time.

Then there are the parents who obviously consider their kids to be nothing more than a pain in the @ss. They treat them like misbehaving animals (which some of them are). Everytime one of these kids asks a question, picks something up, strays a little too far, the parents get mad. They're irritated that their kid doesn't behave, and they take it out on them with a self-satisfying scolding or smack. It's doesn't seem to be about "guiding the kid along the righteous path to responsible adulthood." It seems to be about "If you make me mad, I'm gonna get you."

Kids are a pain in the @ss (don't have any, never will), and sometimes a scolding or a smack is an appropriate punishment, and an important lesson. But parenting is a lot more than just putting the leash on.

I see so many parents in public who don't seem to have caught on to the fact that children are emotional/psychological beings, and it's the job of the parents to mold that personality into an respectful, responsible adult. There has to control and punishment, yes, but that's not be all and end all of raising a child.

The way in which a parent goes about implimenting that control determines what kind of adult that child is going to be.

I usually see two kinds of kids in these instances:

The one who is almost too meek even to speak to their parent, but apparently still ends up doing everything "wrong".

The brat who really does do everything wrong, and doesn't seem to care about being admonished, like he's deadened to the importance of his parents disapproval.

In either case, Mom and Dad need to change their tactics. Whatever they're doing, it isn't working.

A bright spot: I was in BlockBuster the other day, and a kid came tearing around the corner and almost ran into me. I wasn't expecting it, and I gave him a reactive harsh look. His Mom came around the corner, explained that he should say "Excuse me", which he then did, and then she made him go sit in the car. She didn't berate him, even though she was obviously annoyed and embarassed. She was a class act of a parent.

Sorry if I rambled.


[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 10, 1999).]
That is the stupidest thing I have heard all day.

That governor wins the Golden Sphincter Award for the day.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I also remember the time when adults looked after children, and people respected their elders. We were a better nation for it. Now children are out of control. They respect no one-just look at some of the logos that people wear on their shirts-in front of their mothers ,daughters,wives, etc. If you don't teach discipline and respect while they are children you end up with a society such as we have. More power to LA. Jerry
Bashing Louisiana for demanding respect? If this is wrong where would start. wait until the kids were teens, and joined the gangs? I think not.... If you dont start early getting children learning to obey laws then you have the gang bangers, and columbinesters. I believe the current generation of bad kids come from the apathy of the parents not trying to get them to become proper Humans. When we were kids we were forced to give respect to parents. I dont remember having so many gangs and such then. but now a lot of parents are letting thier kids call them by thier first name. and talk back..... what do the expect to have.... a generation of people who dont respect anything!! Education of respect has to start at an early age... or it never comes

10mm Rules
Like ya'll I too remember the "manners" training as a child, I also remember the older neghibors calling up to see if I could run to the market for them as they werent getting around to good, or If I could come up and cut there grass....we had a much better sense of community back then, as a kid I new every rock and tree in that area, every shortcut and hiding place, also every fruit tree and garden I could raid...(I heard about, I once decided to sit through a movie for the 2nd or 3rd showing (forget which), and it put me past dinner time, my family just called the manager of the theater to see if I was there and sent my cousin to pick me up....times sure were different back then....I have no children but would like to provide the same sense of family and security that I experienced back then.........fubsy.
I have no objection to kids being required to address their teachers so, but I gotta whole lot of objections to the concept of it being state law, and even more to the existence of a state criminal law with no penalties.
My .02

The foundation of Respect is Fear. You don't have to stay fearful, but that's where it begins. It cannot be legislated.

I respect firearms becuase I know what they can do and I've had one incident where I nearly put a hole in my leg. The fear of that moment, although gone now, instilled the respect that I carry today.

Same with people, wether they're parents or teachers or just the general populace. I'll never forget when my dumb-ass cousin threw a snow ball at a random passing car. The driver, an older guy from the "old school", got out, chased my cousin down and beat his ass good. There was an immediate change in my cousin and though he remains a jackass to this day, he kept his juvenile delinquent activities more or less confined to lying/stealing/abusing his immediate family, none of whom ever beat his ass to my knowledge.
If you support compulsory education as a way to keep parents from damaging their children by withholding education, and the state from being deprived a productive taxpayer, you may as well support mandatory terms of respect. At least be consistent. I can see it now - compulsory military service, but no rules.
Ok porcupine, I'm back from my short vacation. Nice to have you on board here and welcome!
Legislating respect stinks to me! However, the feces are going end over end on a negative grade. Another social experiment I suppose. Many have been tried none that I can think of have worked. Why not give this a try? I hate new laws that do nothing but opress people or put money from my pocket into a boondogle but...
As said earlier by several of our astute and well "butt whipped" members, we knew what respect was and when the axe fell we knew why. No one was talking about wacking a child out of frustration. If a kid has no values, no self respect then that child most probably has no future.
This is some very serious legislation here make no mistake. We have gone from the two parent home to the single parent home to the zero parent home.
Please forgive my ramblings as I have just returned to the real world.
Good Shooting and I'm PO'ed that yall didn't fix the world while I was away, Hank