Guess if there is Gun Control legilation Introduced, the Dems Will Only Have 59

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I have said before and i'll say again...additional scary gun control measures are dead in the water in this Congress....the economy sucks and the Dems cant even keep their own ranks in line.

Mark Begich, D AK, AKs Boy Blunder or Mark Garbage as SWMBO calls him (japanese folks take their politics personally) now shows his colours :)

Begich Co-Sponsors Concealed Weapons Bill
Source: Office of U.S. Senator Mark Begich
Updated: 02/24/2009 02:46:50 PM AKST

In an effort to secure the rights of individuals to lawfully carry concealed firearms across state lines, Sen. Mark Begich is co-sponsoring the Respecting States Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.

Currently, Sen. Begich is the only Democrat of the 19 senators co-sponsoring the legislation that allows an individual to lawfully carry a concealed firearm across state lines if they have a valid permit or, if under their state of residence, they are allowed to do so.

"This bill will allow Alaskans who are able to carry a concealed weapon legally in our state, to do so when they travel to other states that have a system of concealed carry laws," Sen. Begich said. "The Second Amendment is of utmost importance to Alaskans, and this is just one step in my ongoing commitment to protect our right to bear arms."

The Respecting States Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act does not mandate the right to carry concealed weapons in states that do not allow the practice. It basically grants a reciprocity agreement allowing Alaskans who can legally carry at home to do so in states with conceal carry laws.

If anyone is prohibited by federal law from carrying a firearm they will continue to be prohibited under this bill. Individuals must also follow state laws concerning specific locations where firearms may not be carried such as in court houses and schools.

Sen. Begich is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and received an "A" rating from the organization during his recent campaign for the U.S. Senate. He also holds a concealed carry permit in Alaska.

So stop panicking. Stop seeing the sky falling. Work on your legislators. Enjoy life. Don't let your pancakes get cold while you are practicing taking cover at Denny's...and don't leave your plate unattended around Spiff...

WilditsasunnydayAlaska ™
I would hope that certain other problems (the economy, wars on a number of fronts, et al) will take priority over gun control. If you noticed, Obama is edging closer to the center all of the time.
I agree that we probably won't see any major gun control legislation that goes anywhere anytime soon. The President and certain legislators like Kennedy, Feinstein, Schumer, McCarthy, Boxer, Durbin, etc. can be as anti-gun as they like but they still have to get the rest of congress to go along with them. While the Democrats may control congress, many of them are from more conservative states in the south, west, and midwest and know that voting for gun-control legislation may cost them re-election (the Dems lost both the House and Senate after passing the AWB in '94) and would thusly be less than eager to vote for such a measure. The extreme anti looneys like McCarthy have and will probably continue to introduce their asnine bills, but like McCarthy's previous work it will likely die in committee. The key as I see it is to make clear to congress that we're watching them and I can think of no easier and more effective way to do this than by joining or maintaining membership with the NRA.
I have said before and i'll say again...additional scary gun control measures are dead in the water in this Congress....the economy sucks and the Dems cant even keep their own ranks in line.

I recall it wasn't too awfully long ago you were pretty worried yourself.

Mark Begich, D AK, AKs Boy Blunder or Mark Garbage as SWMBO calls him (japanese folks take their politics personally) now shows his colours

Leopards don't lose their spots. We'll see how long he can keep up the act.

BTW, I'm in complete agreement with SWMBO.
Back to topic. I'd be suprised to see anything soon. If you're a member of the NRA and hooked up online the alerts come out at warp speed.
There are a bunch of democratic senators out west and democratic representatives in the west and south who would be hurt politically by voting for any gun control measures. And their leadership knows it and they will not bring any bills forward that have the chance to cost them the majority.

They have much more pressing things to use the majority for and don't want to waste it on gun control.

Let's not forget that the number #1 job of all these congress persons is to get reelected anything that may cost them that opportunity usually will not be supported.

So we know that many anti-gun elected officials would love to tell us to turn them all in but there are enough pro gun officials to put the brakes on that idea. The republicans and not the second amendment took a beating in November. Sarah Brady would like you to think otherwise.

I am not advocating that we just assume the government will leave our guns alone. We should still actively fight to maintain our rights just not go crazy in the process.
"Guess if there is Gun Control legislation Introduced, the Dems Will Only Have 59"

59/41 isn't much of a comfort margin. You're making an assumption that ALL Republicans in Congress are pro gun. We get Mark Begich, D AK on this bill, but who could we possibly lose to the Dems?
I was all for this measure until you pointed out the part about Alaskans being able to carry into other states. I am going to have to call my congressman to fight this bill. It is not the part about the concealed carry that bothers is the idea of Alaskans being able to travel into my state. Something needs to be done about that. Property values have dropped enough already. :D
I'm not so worried about big nasty AWB type legislation that is on it's face anti-gun. I agree that there are a good number of Democrat legislators from traditionally conservative districts that would get hammered come reelection time.

I worry more about the smaller, hidden amendments crammed into a bill at midnight in some "smoke filled room". Remember all the posts about anti elements in the "stimulus" bill. They didn't pan out, but it certainly could have happened as large as that pile of paper was and as quickly as it was shoved through.

Won't be big sweeping changes that way (at least I don't think) but our rights can still be taken away one small bite at a time.
Wild, that's been my take for a while. Not that there's a lack of desire by some or bills waiting in committee if there's an opportunity, but there's just no practical way of getting it done. I just don't think the Dems would close ranks behind a gun control bill- some Republicans would join the anti gun Dems, but they just wouldn't get it through.

Back in 1994 folks weren't paying enough attention and were worrying about worse. Things have changed- we have over a decade of gun control being rolled back in the vast majority of our nation. We're paying CLOSE attention to the process. Even liberals are seeing why gun control is a bad idea- not just a losing issue, but a bad idea. Even Harry Reid doesn't want a new AWB (and voted against extending the last one).

I don't think we can relax our vigilance, but I do think we can take off the tin foil.
Gun Legislation

imho if the left wing liberals get there wish to ban firearms or ammo the country's of china, korea, hong kong, india,etc will do what they do best, that is provide the people of united states with guns and ammo in the ammounts you would not believe. you will be able to get a hand gun and ammo with every haircut..... gg
.it is the idea of Alaskans being able to travel into my state. Something needs to be done about that. Property values have dropped enough already.

Whats the name of you bar?:D

WilddudesfreedrinksletsgooooooooooooAlaska TM
It is not the part about the concealed carry that bothers is the idea of Alaskans being able to travel into my state. Something needs to be done about that. Property values have dropped enough already.

Actually, Wild, move on over there. Housing market on the east and west coasts had an astounding inflation in prices to begin with. You Alaskans can knock 'em down to the level they should have been in the first place. Then, I could actually afford to keep my career and enjoy the mountains again. Nothing like Colorado getting Californicated....:(

I worry more about the smaller, hidden amendments crammed into a bill at midnight in some "smoke filled room". Remember all the posts about anti elements in the "stimulus" bill. They didn't pan out, but it certainly could have happened as large as that pile of paper was and as quickly as it was shoved through.

Rantingredneck mirrors my concern. (Is this political? I'm stopping before I say something wrong and get banned....:()
I worked the patch out on the slope in AK, for a while and the roughnecks seem to talk good about the individual. Never really looked it up, its good to here that they were right about him. Congrats.:D
Actually, Wild, move on over there. Housing market on the east and west coasts had an astounding inflation in prices to begin with.

The inflation in housing values back easst started when I moved up here, and out of there

WildtheregoestheneighborhoodAlaska ™
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