Guards Dogs or just pets


I am curious to know what type of dogs everyone has and if they make good guard dogs. I have a 65 pound german shepherd that warns me of anything that comes within 100 yards of the house. I also have an 80 pound boxer that likes to smile at everyone through the living room window. She's not much of barker, and only makes a sound when she's farting or something/someone gets real close to the house. Trust me when I tell you her gas is more powerful than any firearm I could have at disposal, talk about clearing a room.

On a side note both dogs have "saved my life" by waking me up when my blood sugar fell to unsafe levels (type I diabetic). Neither would leave my side until I tested my blood and ate a snack.

I wouldn't trade either for all the money or guns in the world.
I have an 80lb Border Collie / Golden Retriever mix who has somewhat of a protection dog streak in him. Aside from being able to detect flatuence from mice a mile a way (and barking to let me know of the danger) I honestly think he'd fight to the death if someone broke into the house.

I also have a 35lb Corgi ... he's real good at keeping scraps of food off the floor and making sure the cat doesn't get to lead a stress free life, but that's about it :)

I'd rather have a dog that was a good pet that would alert me to trouble and then get the hell out of the way instead of one that would get in the way of my shot at the BG.

I live with a Husky/shephard mix. She is very happy, right up to the part where somebody starts messing with me or my wife. Then she goes to battle stations.

Personally, I think you are in real good shape. German Shepards are very effective, just ask the majority of K-9 units (the people half). Boxers are also very good, believe it or not. They are 'one-owner' dogs, and very territorial and possesive. From a 'guard dog' perspective, this is very good. They can also be extremely aggresive when thier space is invaded by someone who is unwelcome. When I was a kid, our boxer not only denied entry to a BG, but returned proudly with the bloody a$$ out of his pants after chasing him down the street.:D
I have three dogs.

Apollo - 110 lb Male Doberman, a blue one. He's a big baby most of the time but has gotten very nasty before when someone approached my wife too quickly. Didn't attack, but I had the feeling that if the leash was off...

Ariel - 70 lb Female Doberman/Rott mix. She's the alarm. Nothing gets past her. She's very wary of strangers and will not even accept food from one. She ignores it until one of us picks it up and gives it to her. A very useful trait.

Alexis - 75 lb Femal Doberman/Pitbull mix. She's the boss. Very aggressive, and totally fearless. We have to keep a close eye on her. She will not hesitate to attack and is very very territorial. If you come into her turf, you'd better look humble and acknowledge the fact that she's in charge by looking away from her. She doesn't play the stare game. Lock eyes with her for more than 30 seconds...and she'll put you in your place.

How do they react to intruders? Only have 2 examples.

1) The male was still a pup, so he wasn't in on it. Neighborhood troublemaker decides to hop the fence and attempt to make off with some tools. Ariel immediately sounds the alarm (she was asleep in the kitchen) Alexis charges out the pet door and gets herself a mouthfull of inner thigh (danger close). Ariel follows and gets herself a mouthfull of calf. Ariel releases after a few seconds, but Alexis bites down hard and holds on, even after several blows to the head with a 3/4" Ratchet by the BG. She finally releases once I got close enough for her to see me in her peripheral. BG tries to haul ass but falls off the fence and bangs his knee pretty bad. Cops arrive seconds later (amazing response time...less than 3 minutes) and arrest him. Charged with criminal tresspass, pled guilty, paid fine, picked up some trash, back on the street. Surprisingly, his injuries from the dog attack were very minor. They didn't even call an ambulance. Only a few stitches in his thigh, none in his calf.

2) Wasn't home, second hand account from neighbor. Ignorant juvenile delinquent ignores 3 "Beware of Dog" signs on privacy fence and opens gate. All three charge instantly, thinking daddy is home to play. Upon seeing stranger, their demeanor changes and they give chase. BG runs into street, dogs stop at property line as taught and bark for hours. Neighbor calls me. I go home, put dogs in fence. No bites. No charges. No lawsuits.

My dogs are a very important part of my family. I wouldn't trust them with our lives, but I feel my property is more than adequately protected.
I have a 50lb black lab mix. He is not trained as a guard dog, but he has one heck of a bark. Being large and black, most people are terrified of him when he starts barking. Of course, the only reason he barks at strangers is because he wants attention (read: petting and food, mostly food.) I have no doubt, however, that he would tear a chunk out of anyone to tried to hurt Mrs. Tag or me. If the wife and I are inside, he barks at anyone who comes near the door (we live in an apartment.) Quite frankly, I think having a dog is one of the best forms of self defense.
I have a male Rottweiler. He is obidence trained and I took him to a shutzhund club a couple times a week for about a year before I moved away from the area. He has spent a lot of time around people. I took him to work for his first six months. I took him to an obidence class with about 50 other dogs when he was a pup. He has been all over the Western US with me. Several times a year, I board him and the people at the kennel love him. I have come back to pick him up and they had him out loose in the office.
But, do not come in my house or car uninvited.
I work 24 hour shifts as a fireman. I go to work at 0700 one morning and get relieved at 0700 the next morning. So, my house sits empty for 26 hours or so at a time. It gives me great piece of mind to know that he is there on duty when I am not home. I came home from work one morning to find my rear sliding glass door forced open and a large pool of blood in front of it. Nothing was missing and the dog was uninjured. After I moved, the guy that bought the house had two break-in attempts through that same door which he twarted with a shotgun.
Another time I had my pickup broken in to in a parking lot. I live in the desert and my windows are "limo tinted". This resulted in another impressive blood trail.
He doesn't bark, even when commanded to "speak". He goes through all the motions of barking but doesn't make any noise.

I also have a 35lb Corgi ... he's real good at keeping scraps of food off the floor and making sure the cat doesn't get to lead a stress free life, but that's about it

i have two of those as well. both are half-border collie, one is half corgi, the other is a cocker. the poor cat doesn't stand a chance.

they love people (maybe too much). i don't think they would attack someone who stood their ground, but if the bad guy ran, all bets are off. border collies can go all day long, and that half cocker is semi-psycho. great dogs!
I've got a 5 year old Staffordshire Terrier.He's very territorial and won't let any strangers in the house and gives a deep growl/bark to any trespassers when he's tied up outside.On 2 occassions he's stop unwelcomed guests when I lived in an apartment a couple of years ago.My front door looked like a building entrance to other apartments I guess and I never locked it during the day(safe neigborhood).He immediately ran down the stairs and kept the intruders in the corner until I could get down and let them know they had the wrong address.It's good to have a dog for those bumps in the night when you usually would sleep through them.
Big dogs

Well, I have a 120 lb Akita. One time he caught a Lab mix growling at my wife and tried to kill it- the thing is probably still running someplace. He still doesn't like Labs. No other exciting stories- he hangs out in the front yard when I'm not home and I think that induces most would be BGs to keep going.

Just got a German Shepherd, and I've been impressed by his willingness to learn and do as he's told. Akitas are a little like cats that way- quiet, indepent, let you know they like you but don't really need you. Kind of fun having a dog that wants to do as he's told.
Another Akita here. Love her enormously. She possibly foiled one possible break in. Her alarm bark is very different from her normal bark. It would wake the dead.

We heard it one night 3am. She was by the door leading from the house to the garage. The door was ajar. My wife thought she saw a shadow across the window. We'll never know for sure.

But she "announces" everyone who enters the house (invited)with a cool yodel. If anyone uninvited tries to enter, they never get more than part way in. The alarm bark freezes their nervous system. Happened a coupla times with teen friends following our teen in.

First time I knew OJ was guilty was when I heard he had two Akitas, and the neighbors heard nothing unusual that night. If the killer was a stranger, those dogs would've set off car alarms all over Brentwood.
I'm planning on getting a german shepard as soon as I get a house, I've found someone locally with a breeding pair that consistantly throws solid black pups.
I have two American Bulldogs, Angel my female wgt is 90lbs she
helped me out last year when I woke up to some noise in front of my house at 3am, had her on short leash and Glock 26 conceled
in blade tech IWB holster, Found a drunk guy who wanted to come into my house to call the police, said some other guys were
trying to kill him, I told him to stay where he was and I would call the police but he kept aproaching me yelling he needed to come into my house he got about 15ft when angel who I had sitting next to me started after him growling and barking, I held her back
and told him to stop or I would let her go! His eyes got very big as he stopped dead in his tracts. then he just did a 180 and headed back down my drive. She is a great dog with me and my family, The only other dog she will accept is my male and that is only after 2 major battles between them, he is 23 inches high and weighs 110lbs. I also had a German Shepard, Luger was his name and he was an excellant guard dog unfortunately he was not a match for angel. I had to keep them seperated untill he reached the ripe old age of 13 and I had to have him put down, I cried like a baby. Dogs are a true blessing from the Lord.
For anyone that is relatively new to this forum, we have had several dog threads over the last couple years that contain some good information. Check out the search function. There are some experienced dog people including at least one pro on this board.