

New member
does anyone shoot the glock competition and what is it like? they're about to have one here in san antonio and i'm intrested in competing but don't want to waste my money or time if its not worth it:)
GSSF is fun

Very good competition for anyone with a Glock.
It's a stand and shoot match, but the courses of fire are challenging to novices through master.
If you're in San Antonio area, by all means give it a shot (no pun intended).
If you enjoy shooting a Glock and enjoy competing (even if it's just against yourself) -- you'll not have wasted your time. You never know, you could win a gun (Glock)!
Read about it at
Also check out the GSSF sub-forum on
won a M17 AND a knife

The worst day of shooting beats the best day of.....

If you've never competed before it is not overly imtimidating; go, learn, shoot, enjoy.

If, on the other hand, you're a B Limited shooter, you may get a bit bored....

Say howdy to Mr. E for me; tell him I'm still wearing the hat every day as promised.
The GSSF membership dues to compete are the only downside, no 'free' match like most IDPA and USPSA clubs have.

I shot one indoor series, and had fun. I am a B Limited shooter too LOL. Throw one day out that I shot with a brand new set of sights on the gun and I would have done well, but experience is what we are left with when we screw things up right?

Worst case you might feel like you spent a little more for the shooting than you think you should have, but I would bet you a dollar and a donut that you FEEL it when you step to the line knowing this course of fire COUNTS!!! The real risk is that competition is addictive......
Forgive my tardiness. So did you go?

I shot my first GSSF last month. It was fun. Never shot a plate rack before and was having difficulties with a borrowed G19 (light strikes). On the run that I did not have to cycle the slide manually I did a 3.9. The others were in the mid to high 4's with a 'tap,roll,rack'.

Did just well enough to get some money, not well enough for a pistol. Nice prize payback for sure.