GSM -vintage military match not for the weak of heart


New member
Had our first CMP GSM Clinic/Match. Only 10 shooters showed up but they were a hardy lot.


I shot a Garand match in NC when it was 11F, but if I saw that muck, I would have turned around and slinked away with my tail between my legs..:o
Bet you the next match will see some canvas dropcloths over a blue tarp, to lay out on.

Looks like 5 yards of gravel wouldn't hurt things.

The GIs at Bastogne had it worse, quit complaining...
I bet that SKS pig was screaming "please somebody drop me in the mud!" The AR was screaming at it's owner "Mud! Really! Are you nuts!" :p
Every January, we have a Chosin Reservoir memorial match. Everyone shoots Garands, rain, snow, sun, whatever. It's a sellout every year.
We visited various battle sites around Bastogne, and the fox holes of the Band of Brothers (both E and F Companies) on a sunny, warm day in May two years ago, on an excellent tour provided by a Flemish guy (Reg Jaan, or Jan).

It will always be impossible for most of us to imagine freezing in very shallow (deeper now) fox holes for multiple days/nights with basic clothing, never mind with some stray 88mm shells etc sometimes hitting trees.

And they had very little food or ammo. Did some of this help motivate you guys out in WY?
I bet that SKS pig was screaming "please somebody drop me in the mud!" The AR was screaming at it's owner "Mud! Really! Are you nuts!"

I put on clinics at least once a year, guys with SKSs & AKs only bring their rifles 'once", the always show up with something else the next time, they just aren't competitive, even at 100 yards.

The match was (as you see) conducted in gumbo. As soon as you laid on the mat, it would sink a bit and fill up with water. All the guns were covered with mud. I loaned out my AR for the match, like the rest, when you laid it on the mat, you laid it in the water and muck. They didn't care, then never missed a lick. Just take a pressure washer to it when you get home.

Actually we didn't have any malfunctions do to water and much. The only malfunction was a steel case split in one of the Mosins and was difficult to extract. We switched out the ammo with my Winchester Brass reloads and it purred like a kitten.
That's the difference between rifle shooters and pistol shooters. Rifle men are men and shoot in any weather, any condition and pistol shooters are gentlemen who like covered firing points and nice paved walks to the target line so they don't have to get their shoes dirty. :D

I prefer rifle shooting but I really appreciate the niceties of pistol shooting too. I don't always want to have to wipe sleet off my shooting glasses between rounds and I never had to do that on a pistol range.
The only malfunction was a steel case split in one of the Mosins and was difficult to extract.

Impossible! Steel cases were designed for those crude combloc rifles. You must be an ammo snob:p

WildheybutitscheapAlaska ™©2002-2011
Rifle men are men and shoot in any weather, any condition and pistol shooters are gentlemen who like covered firing points and nice paved walks to the target line so they don't have to get their shoes dirty.

Reminds me of the conflict between Rifle and Pistol shooter at the Wilson Matches (National Guard Championships)

One year we got a lot of rain, drinched us at the 600 yard line. Later in the evening we were driving back from town to match headquarters. It was raining cats and dogs. Some poor guy was walking back toward Hdqrs quite wet. We stopped to give him a ride. The our drive asked him how he did at 600, said he didn't shoot 600, he was a pistol shooter. The drive locked up the brakes, told him to get out, made him walk back in the rain.