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Gunfight that won't be settled
I won't waste the bandwidth to reproduce the entire screed here, but I encourage you all to go and read this.
I'm sure that USA Today will print rebuttals to this opinion piece and I encourage all of you to compose a (rational, well-reasoned) response and send it in. USAToday is a "bully pulpit" that we ought not leave to the gun-grabbers.
I can read on the 12 grade level and have no problem with the 2nd.

Whats to say? It clearly states SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The obligatory lie: "But I'm a gun owner too"

This is not an anti-gun diatribe. I've owned guns since I got my first Red Ryder air rifle at the age of 8. As a teenager, I spent more time in the woods and fields with a gun than I did doing homework. (I even had a Dick Cheney moment when I was 16: My 20-gauge shotgun inexplicably discharged, blasting my friend Clifton from 10 feet with a load of #6 shot. His jacket took the brunt of it, but his left flank looked like a peppercorn pizza topped with a thin layer of mozzarella. It didn't make the newspapers.)

It just went off. Says a lot about the author's attitude towards guns.