Grouse hunting?


I am 18 and just got my orange card and small games license. I have seen grouse when hiking but when I went back in season I didn’t see a thing. I am a first generation hunter and am really frustrated, I have been hunting three times and haven’t seen a grouse yet. I am a good shot with clays so shooting them is not the problem. Please can you give me any grouse hunting advice? I live in western Washington (Arlington). Or any other hunting advice for western Washington hunting. Thanks
This time of year, the grouse are taking in as many berries as they can find, up high. Find water, find berries, and you will find grouse. When the alder leaves fall, you will find them in edge areas where the evergreens meet the alders. Get out in the early morning and walk roads or trails with sand or grit on them and catch the grouse when they come to get grit. From Arlington, head up towards the Sauk or N Fork out by Concrete. I use a 22, but a good shotgun is a great thing for first-timers.
Scorch tell it right, I just want to comment on your statement on shooting.

I am a good shot with clays so shooting them is not the problem

I have always had a problem with shooting them, as they flush so easy and are so spooky that its hard to even shoulder the gun and their gone.
You know there are going to be targets when shooting clays. Its a tad different in the bush.
Good Luck and do what Scorch says.
1st you need to be in likely grouse habitat. It sounds like you are since you have seen them there before. The next tip is to put on comfortable hiking shoes & WALK. I prefer an old road the vehicles can't get to for whatever reason. If you have a dog fine, if not don't worry about it. An untrained dog will just flush birds out of range anyway. When you flush one be ready, many times there is more than one there. My motto is, if you get a safe shot,take it. If you wait for the perfect shot you may go home with a clean gun. The more you walk in good cover the more you will see.
I usually see them on old gravel roads eating rocks. Just last weekend I was out scouting, walking a old gravel road thinking this is a great place for grouse to be, their was a small creek running along the side with berry's and overhanging trees. Sure enough just up the road their was two blue's.
1) Near water/berry's
2) Old gravel road
3) Overhanging brush/trees
4) Listen for flapping noises
5) They sound kind of like a owl
6) Usually more than one
May I suggest...

that you continue the hunting as you are doing now and incorporate the above suggestion, experience is the key.

But for clay targets, consider practicing on the Skeet fields, with the shotgun mounted on the shoulder,and shoot during the off-season as you get better then start using the low position of the butt is below the belt. You call for the clay and raise and swinga the same time.

What shotgun you using??? specifically the choke, anything tighter that I/C (Improved Cylinder) is too tight for the heavy brush. If you and choke tubes then buy a "Skeet" labeled tube and use that, as it allows an opened pattern.