Groundskeeper, part 2:Assault weapons, grenades and 50000 rounds

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>

crime & courts

Groundskeeper pleads not guilty

COURTS: He is accused of stealing school
property, but no weapons charges have been filed
against him.

October 2, 1999

The Orange County Register

A school groundskeeper who had 80 assault-type weapons seized
from his San Clemente home pleaded not guilty Friday to felony
charges of receiving stolen property.

Jerry Peacock, 43, is accused of taking rakes, shovels, ladders,
work boots and cleaning supplies from the Capistrano Unified
School District.

But while authorities said they are investigating whether the man's
guns are stolen or illegally obtained, Peacock wasn't charged with
any weapons violations.

"We're reviewing the case," said Tori Richards, spokeswoman for
the Orange County District Attorney's Office.

Police, however, said they were hopeful that additional charges
would be filed.

"I don't consider this to be a gun collection, personally," said
Orange County Sheriff's Lt. Fred Lisanti.

Gary Pohlson, Peacock's attorney, said his client is a gun collector
who was storing the weapons for other people.

"This is a vendetta against him," Pohlson said. "This person has no
record. He's never been in trouble. He's just a nice guy."

Orange County Superior Court Commissioner Gary Paer reduced
Peacock's $1 million bail to $25,000.

Deputies went to Peacock's West Marquita home Wednesday to
serve a search warrant for the allegedly stolen school-district
property. They discovered the guns, locked in two safes, along
with hand grenades and at least 50,000 rounds of ammunition in
cookie tins and boxes, sheriff's officials said.

The defendant's father, Ronald Peacock, 64, of Florida, said his
son has collected guns for more than two decades and frequently
goes to gun shows.

"He only went to the range with them," Ronald Peacock said. "He
always had them locked up safe. He does everything by the book.
... He's a good kid."

Peacock accused Capistrano Unified of setting up his son after he
and two co-workers were awarded $215,000 in a sexual
harassment lawsuit. The lawsuit alleged that they had suffered
retaliation after reporting that a supervisor had committed a lewd
act. The district is appealing.

"They've harassed him ever since he's been back to work," Ronald
Peacock said about the district.

School officials disagreed.

"I wouldn't even dignify such a ridiculous allegation with a
response," said Superintendent James A. Fleming. "His life was not

Fleming said the district got a call a few weeks ago from an
anonymous neighbor who said Jerry Peacock had district property
at his home. Fleming said Capistrano Unified subsequently called

"He made no secret of his interest in guns," Fleming said.[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
"I don't consider this to be a gun collection, personally," said
Orange County Sheriff's Lt. Fred Lisanti.

Who is this dumb-a** Sheriff? An 80 gun collection sounds like a fine collection to me.

You guys gotta do something about those dummies in power out there in Kali. Geez.

A $25000 bond for a misdemenor? Cripes whats this country going to?
And the bond was reduced from $1,000,000.00 for shovels, ladders and boots.

I still want to know why they were looking in cookie jars. Boots, shovels and ladders don't fit in cookie jars.

I would think there are any number of attornies that are drooling at the thought of taking his case. "Call the BMW dealer, Dear, we are getting two new ones."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
"He made no secret of his interest in guns," Fleming said.


(The scene from "The Body Snatchers" remake
comes to mind, when the "things" discover a human among them. -- Point a finger at the Unclean One and exhale while you say "Hooooh!".)

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"I wouldn't even dignify such a ridiculous allegation with a
response," said Superintendent James A. Fleming. "His life was not

Is this guy claiming that there was no huge judgment in this janitor's favor which embarassed the school district terribly and cost them a fortune, or is he actually trying to say that it would be ridiculous to believe the claim that they would harass him over such a verdict?
Oh, wait, I just read further down. The guy didn't even have the decency to pretend he had the decency to hate guns like all the rest of the proles. This is why we need to implement daily "hate sessions" in which all employees everywhere take a few minutes to bond by hating images the government puts on a screen. Hey, it worked in 1984.
:( (I wanted to put a smiley but it just ain't funny.)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron[/quote]

I need your addy to send you the bill for repairing a Dr. Pepper spew on my keyboard and monitor :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Unfortunately it will be 2 more years before I can bail out of this loony bin. God only knows what will become of us before then.
What I want to know is did they find the stolen items they were looking for? If so what? If I won a $800,000 lawsuit I would have one big gun collection too.

DC, forget it! On balance, TFL still owes me on that scale . . . . :)

That quote came from the site Oatka listed in General under "See What's REALLY happening in UK" and it's a great site--we should ALL see it, and we should also use peer pressure in all its ugliness to get the guy who wrote it to begin posting here.

As for the gun collection, my dad has well over 80 but doesn't shoot most of them so we have less ammo. What I don't get is, if the guns are illegal why not say so? If they're not, how can you seize 'em just because there are a lot of 'em? I smell another HUGE judgment and another 80 guns or so for this guy, and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to contemplate it. . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
An extension of the "'He made no secret of his interest in guns,' Fleming said." statement.

Just above that sentence is the paragraph "Fleming said the district got a call a few weeks ago from an anonymous neighbor who said Jerry Peacock had district property at his home. Fleming said Capistrano Unified subsequently called authorities.".

Let's see: we are pissed at him for winning the lawsuit; we know he has guns; guns are bad; maybe, like everyone else, he has some school property at home; mirable dictu! The Anonymous Neighbor appears! "Mary, ring the police, we just got a tip!".

Think I'll write the Orange County Register
about that, along with some other ideas garnered from this thread.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I gave up betting a long time ago, but if I were a betting man I'd bet that the whole thing is a sham to abuse this guy because he collected a bunch and probably didn't even say "thank you".
When this whole thing is over, the grounds keeper might own the grounds!

Better days to be,

Wait, it took the school district a few weeks to decide to call the police about the stolen stuff? That makes no sense. Geez, I think Mr. Peacock should be happy they didn't shoot him and burn his house down when they realized he had done nothing wrong.
Notice how certain aspects of this story have been dropped:



<LI>"Machine Guns"

<LI>Original charge (have they actually charged him yet?)


I was taught NEVER to arrest on "suspicion of...". Here in TX, that stuff tends not to fly. So this is how they make their cases out there? They serve a warrant, seize what they find "suspicious," hold the guy on an unbelievably high bail, and attempt to "make" the case with evidence siezed that was NOT listed on the original warrant? HUH? Anyone at all believe that this is about anything other than the number of firearms and ammo found?

"He's stockpiling! Ergo, he must be criminal!"


BOOTS!?! Is this guy not allowed to take uniform items home with him?!? And I don't know how it is with your different places of work, but I happen to work at a place that loans out stuff to its employees over the weekends. 2 months ago, I borrowed a landscaping chainsaw for the weekend, and this weekend will borrow a carpet-shampooer; all above-board, with permission. Are we sure this guy wasn't doing the same with the ladders, minus official permission? Perhaps this is more of a "misuse of school district property" than a theft. Watch it turn out that the house was half-painted and the ladders were sitting among dropcloths and paint rollers.


If you agree that this man should be arrested purely on the number of guns and ammo that he had, you've simply missed the point of RKBA, entirely.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

My understanding is that this guy was one of four roving groundskeepers who attended several different schools. This probably means that he kept some gear at his home or on his vehicle to save some time going to the supply shack every morning. Certainly the school district counted on this.

It's not uncommon for employers to issue a new set of workboot annually. Two of my former employers did.
My God!!! My collection has reached the same point. Am I in danger of being hauled away, my collection being confiscated? What is going on, "locked in safes" "50,000 rounds of ammunition"? I keep all of mine in safes also, I am approaching the same amounts of ammo also. I saw this on the news the other day...They had everything piulled out and video taped for the masses...they made this guy out to be another mass murderer waiting to happen. I am not saying this guy is a saint, but chezzzz...Why don't they get their facts and figures correct before spewing out all of the anti-gun stuff...This is the same old media hype. Demonize the hardware, demonize the citizen who is a gun owner.

Is the line in the sand being drawn?

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.

[This message has been edited by Elker_43 (edited October 05, 1999).]
I can't remember the guys name, but back in the Atlanta Olympics bombing- the Security Guard they convicted before any evidence was collected of wrongdoing (which apparently he successfully sued members of the media). This looks like that is happening all over again. We'll hear about this a bit longer, but when he sues AND WINS over the media, we won't hear a peep.

Not sure if this is "the" line in the sand, but it certainly is one of them. Good luck to the rest of us gun owners of this guy goes to jail for having an "arsenal".
Othermarc: Yep, the first time I read of this, I said "Jewel."

I really hope this guy ends up driving a 4-Runner paid for by the local Sheriff.


Double-edged sword-- if this guy gets off, the public in his neighborhood and L.A. and other odd places will say: "How can a man stockpile like that, and be allowed to walk free? We must make laws to protect us from stockpiling!!"

Watch for it. It's coming...

Buy all you can...


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Stockpiling is a real threat... I was a threat to a certain store for wanting to buy 6 cases of ammo and was told that was "Stockpiling!"
The other day I went to one of the last "cop shops" and bought a similar ammount. They didnt even ask to see my ID or even bat an eyelash.
They even offered a great deal on Winchester Ranger ammo which is supposed to be so evil its restricted... Hmmmm its kinda funny huh?

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Hey, we should just point out that every firearm and every round of ammo owned by a responsible citizen is one less that's available to the criminals.

When they get too uptight about the "arsenal" bit, ask them if they want gun collectors all over the country having "clearance sales" when it becomes too expensive/restrictive to maintain a collection...

Heard on the radio this morning that Richard Jewell isn't going to be able to sue the Atlanta Journal/Constitution (the irony of that name just struck me) because he made himself available to the press. In other words, he asked for the notariety so he deserved what he got. Bogus.
Here's an update from the Orange County Register:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Illegal- Weapons Charges are Filed

COURTS: Capistrano Unified employee pleads not guilty.

October 5, 1999

The Orange County Register

LAGUNA NIGUEL — A school groundskeeper was charged Monday with possessing more than two dozen illegal weapons after investigators found an arsenal of guns at his home last week while looking for allegedly stolen maintenance equipment.

Jerry D. Peacock, 43, pleaded not guilty to the 27 felony charges at Orange County South Justice Center. He was released on $100,000 bail.

Peacock, a Capistrano Unified School District employee, was charged last week with receiving stolen property.

"This guy has never done anything violent," said Gary Pohlson, Peacock's attorney. He said his client is a gun collector.

Deputy District Attorney Larry Yellin said none of the 80 assault-type weapons seized from Peacock's San Clemente home Wednesday was registered to him.

"The weapons, in and of themselves, are dangerous," Yellin said. Prosecutors accuse Peacock of having eight machine guns, including an Uzi model, eight short-barreled rifles or shotguns and 11 assault-type weapons.

The defendant's father, Ronald Peacock, 64, said the ordeal has been a traumatic experience for his son.

"He's very nervous and scared," Ronald Peacock said. "I hope everything comes out right. He's a good kid."

After posting bail, Jerry Peacock said he had no comment.

If convicted, Peacock could face a maximum of 20 years in prison.[/quote]

Well, this is certainly an interesting precedent. They have a warrant for stolen property from the school district and end up charging him with something altogether different. I'm no legal expert, but if the guns were not listed on the warrant, are any of them admissable?

My favorite quote from the article is this "The weapons, in and of themselves, are dangerous," Yellin said. Yeah, those guns were dangerous all by themselves locked in a safe. I guess some of the bad guns could have forced some of the good guns at gunpoint to help break out of the safe and do bad things without anyone knowing. ;)


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale