Grips and mag extension for Detonics???


New member
Just bought a MKVI Combat Master and am wondering who makes aftermarket grips(Pachmyr use to but I am not sure now) and did anyone ever make a mag extension to lengthen the grip for a full hand hold? Thank you.
I have 2 Combatmasters, a MKI and a MKVI. There aren't many grip options for them. I think Pachmayer still lists a grip for the Combatmaster? I hvaen't seen anyone else cataloging them. I have the original wood on my MKI and the Pachmayer on the MKVI.

I have never seen any type of mag extension specifically for the Detonics. There are things that slip on a regular sized 1911 mag so it can be used in an Officers model while extending the grip. You might be able to modify something like this?
Gun Parts/Numrich has sold wood Detonics grips in the past. The last volume of Brownells (not the latest one), listed a slim grip for the Detonics. They were a little pricey, as they came with the special bushings and screws. Keep any eye on ebay, too. There was a Pachmayr grip on there about a week ago.
Mad Dog MAY be making some very very nice synthetic grips for the Detonics... He is making them for the GM and Officers.
Send him a note and your wish might be granted eventually.

My solutions thus far has been thus:
1. Normal GM grips + Dremel = homemade chopped down grips for the Detonics.
2. Houge Rubber Finger Groove grips + Dremel = Nice feel - but you just lost the concealability.
3. Those wood panels + Pearce modular finger grooves = still a bit thick but will a good feel... just not the solution.
4. With Skateboard Tape under the wood. Not there yet.
5. Back to the old worn wood grips that came with the gun... while I wait for Mad Dog to decide if he is going to make them... or I'll ask a custom maker to carve me some outta some ironwood, blackwood, or bloodwood... Not sure yet. If all else fails - I'll get the "SLIM" Chips panels and carve them down to size and go back to the skateboard tape. Checkering is not an option - I dont want to cut metal on this gun.
I work in R&D at MD Labs.
I can say with some authority we WILL be making GunGrips for the Detonics. Anyone interested may email me at or call our shop 520 772 3021.
