Grip question


New member
I go tot he range about once every two weeks. I have been battling my grip . I am shooting a 24/7 .40. Left handed(dominent hand), right foot forward, Both elbows bent, thumb over thumb grip. I shoot 5 rounds, 4 times as each target.

I seem to pull left 4 shoots out 20 out of the bulls. Best I can tell is its my grip. When i get a really tight grip and the back of my right palm on the back of the pistol I do better, but the grip is slow to get and causes shaking by 10 rounds.

I am not a horrible shot, but I have been stuck at this point without improvement for many months. I figured by now I would at least be able to put all 20 in the bulls at least once a trip to the range.

any good videos you can suggest about grip and how to adjust? as far as breathing, site-picture, and trigger squeeze I feel comfortable that when I am focused and applying what I know those are working for me, but I cant seem to get away from pulling left a handfull of times on each target.

If its not grip, and you think its something else I will certently listen and evaluate what I am doing.

It's hard to say without seeing you shoot. One thing to try: make sure you are not putting a support hand finger in the front of the trigger guard. Many pistols have serations or stippling encouraging that as a part of the grip. My experience is that it tends to pull the gun off the target. If you are using that part of the grip, try without it.
You are wise getting help. But, if you can, have a good pistol shooter watch and coach you. I believe you are correct in saying changing your grip (hold) will change things.
Also, consider changing the grips (handles on the gun) for a better fit in your hand. Unfortunately, this can mean the lay-out of money several times while you try to find the right ones for you.
I had this experience with my Ruger Redhawk. Went through about six styles of grips before settling on Pachymar Presentations.
Most handgun problems are traceable to the grip or trigger mistakes.
The support hand has to do much of the control.
If you're getting the shakes, you might be gripping way too tight.
Spread the grip between both hands, around 50% each, about the same you would hold a hammer or a ball bat.
Tight, but not greatly so.
Try using the thumbs forward method, one on top of the other, both pointing to the target.
Use the shoulders to push the gun forward as you shoot, to control recoil.
Use whatever part of the trigger finger that feels the best, and don't disturb the gun or sight picture while pulling the trigger straight back.
Also be sure the trigger finger is not pushing on the side of the gun.
As been said, it's hard to see what you might be doing wrong by yourself, though.
But try the above methods and see.
Another thing is, when holding the pistol in your "shooting" hand, make sure that the barrel is in alignment with the bones in your forearm. This puts the back strap of the grip firmly into the heel of your hand, and helps with a more secure grip and in managing recoil.

What you DON'T want is to have the backstrap of the grip against the ball of your thumb.

However doing this can be a problem depending on what sort of pistol you are shooting and if you have small hands. If this is the case, I don't know what to advise.

Last week I was shooting with an old friend who happens to have small hands. He could not get his hand around the grips of his Colt Mustang Pocklite, and so the pistol was not supported properly by the bones of his arm. He couldn't hit squat with the pistol. Using the same pistol, which I had never shot before, I could keep a tin can in constant motion at about 25 feet.
Thanks Guys

Sorry for the lack of response I have been busy all week. The for teh tips. I will go over the suggestions next range trip. I dont really know anybody to have watch me, but there is a couple of volunteers at the range that are pretty good. I will see if they wouldnt mind watching a couple of times.

Thanks again,