Greetings from SOF

Caught director Mike McNulty's speech this A.M. He promises a number of new surprises in the upcoming Waco: Revelations.

McNulty claims that the concrete bunker in which the chidren were hidden was breached from the top by a 1 meter wide shape charge. Further claims that many of the occupants were crushed by the blast in the sealed room and by concrete and steel fragments.

Finally, he claims that "something" occured in the back of the building which resulted in Lon Horiuchi's radio command for "Mission Compromised" and that a conscious decision was made to kill all witnesses. He went as far as to call the action "mass murder" and promises to make all this clear in the upcoming sequel.

All in all, McNulty seemed like a pretty straight shooter. While his claims are incendiary, his speech was forthright and factual. I don't necessarily ascribe to all of his conclusions, but there's certainly more fact than fiction in his work...a lot more than we've received from DOJ!

When I stood up to ask a question about the Rangers' position, I prefaced it with a simple "thank you" to him and his team....the audience responded with enthusiastic support. Even if you weren't there, know that your thanks to these guys was transmitted.
Thanks Rich,

I had to drive 175 miles and go to four video stores to find Waco: The Rules of Engagement. I watched it with a sceptical friend who is now in an uproar because he has concluded that DOJ, ATF, FBI, et al lied (LOL).

What were you diong and what was the purpose of this presentation?



It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.

[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited September 25, 1999).]
By Rich's thread title, he was/is in Las Vegas for the Soldier OF Fortune (magazine) convention/gunshow/machine gun shoot(demo) and all around good time. They have any number of good speakers making presentations.

I wish I could get to one of them there conventions is Vegas. :)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
You're absolutely correct. I went there to:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>See some old friends
<LI>Make some new friends
<LI>Get myself on one more "danger" list to satisfy those Members who believe TFL Policies derive from our fear and mollycoddling of the Feds
<LI>Take Bellagio Resort for $4,700 on a $300 investment. Actually, I was up 9600 bucks the day before I left and just couldn't draw a decent hand after that! So, consider TFL expenses paid for the near future from the pocket of Big Business!
All in all, it was great fun.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 26, 1999).]
Ohhhh, TFL at a SOF convention. It's tough enough for me to get away from work. Maybe next Trexpo....

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt