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Greek alphabet help

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
The omega in the Molon labe portion of my sig line is read as a 'W' here on TFL. It is read correctly as an omega at THR. Does anyone know how to correct this?
The omega is an omega as I see the signature. I would suspect that you have an odd font assigned within your browser.
I see it as a 'W' too... on an iMac that doesn't have an up-to-date OS or browser. I suspect that Mal is correct, that the font assigned in each person's browser will affect how it is seen.
Byron, looking at the source code of your signature, it is:
<font size="3"><b><font color="red"><font face="symbol"><br />
MOLWN LABE!</font></font></b></font><br />
So if the "symbol" font isn't available on your machine, you will only see the modern letter equivalent of the Greek letters.
It's Greek to me! ;)

However, yours has an unprintable character after it unlike Byron's. It is probably an exclamation point, but for some reason it comes out as a small square (same as it does in the body of your post).
Jason's final character looks like an asterisk with the newest Mozilla, but Byron's whole "MOLON LABE" looks just like that--modern english alphabet all the way.
Don, it's your "symbol" font. IOW, there is no translation of the characters as Byron has the words as you describe them in his signature.

Byron - you changed the W to an O, right? Now it's coming out as an omicron. You might want to shamelessly copy the words from Jason's signature and paste in yours. The last character should be an exclamation point.